Chapter 38*

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February 2018

It was nearing Valentine's Day and the girls had been back in Los Angeles for a little over a month. Tom was done filming Avengers: Endgame and didn't start filming Spider-Man: Far From Home until late July. He had decided to spend most of his break with Anna in Los Angeles since he'd be back to film the movie in London. She had told him not to worry about Valentine's Day and to spend some time with his family before he spent the next four and half months away from them to be with her. He would fly out in time for their anniversary instead.

What Tom didn't know was that, yes, she wanted him to spend time with his family, but she also didn't want him to see her in the state she was in. When Anna got back to LA from London she went straight back to work. Her job was really flexible and she accumulated a lot of time off, which is what she used when she would go visit Tom. When she got back, she was miserable. She no longer loved her job and it began to affect her horribly. She spent most of her time outside of work either crying or sleeping.

There was not much that brought her joy anymore. She began to isolate herself from her friends, making excuses not to hang out with them. When she would talk to Tom, she'd keep conversations away from talking about her but she preferred to just text him so he wouldn't be able to sense anything was wrong.

She eventually quit her job and was happy with her decision but was still not doing well. Now she spent most of her day in bed and didn't really eat much. She knew she wasn't doing well but she didn't want to burden her friends or her boyfriend with her problems. She knew she was living a good life and had every reason to be happy; this just made her feel worse for feeling the way she was.

It was now Valentine's Day and she had planned to FaceTime with Tom in the afternoon. She told him she was going to leave work early so she can call him, she hadn't told anyone yet that she quit. She put on her best smile and happy voice before dialing his number.


Calling Tommy 💛

"Happy Valentine's Day my love!"

"Happy Valentine's Day mi amor! I miss you!"

"I miss you too darling! How was your day? How was work?"

"It was fine. Nothing eventful. How was your day? What did you do?"

"Well it's the twins birthday today so we just spent some time with the family. They loved the gifts you sent them by the way."

"I'm glad to hear it. I wish you were here with me."

"I know darling so do I but we'll be together in no time."

Anna felt herself getting emotional. The only way she knew she would be able to avoid crying in front of him would be to distract him. She had a feeling this would happen, so she planned ahead.

"So I know we said no gifts but I got you something."

"Baby we agreed-"

"I know but just wait."

She turned her laptop around as she got undressed leaving on only a lingerie set that Tom hadn't seen yet. She positioned the laptop at the end of the bed and sat down in front of it with her legs spread apart.

"I know we're not together right now but I figured this is the next best thing."

"Wow baby you look incredible. I wish I could be there kissing you and putting my hands all over you."

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