Chapter 37

622 14 3

December 2017

Today was New Year's Eve, Tom and Harrison were waiting in the living room for Anna and Mila to come down. The couples had planned to go to a nearby club to celebrate. The girls were finally ready and headed downstairs to meet their boyfriends. "Well don't you ladies look beautiful," Harrison said kissing Mila on the cheek.

"You two don't look so bad yourselves," Anna said as Tom brought her into a hug.

"Are you girls ready to go?" Tom asked. They nodded and were finally on their way to the club.

When they arrived they were let in right away and made their way to the private section they rented. They spent most of the night dancing together. Anna and Mila love to dance and while they were used to dancing to Spanish music, they still had the time of their lives.

It was still only around 10:30 pm so they still had a while until midnight. They decided to take a break from dancing for a while and just sit around and enjoy their time together.

"Can you guys go get us another round of drinks please?" Anna asked Tom and Harrison. They got up to go get the girls usual drinks but were gone for quite a while since the club was pretty packed.

Anna and Mila sat next to each other just chatting when two guys approached them. "Would you ladies like to dance with us?" One of the men asked.

"No thanks we're here with our boyfriends," Mila said trying to end the conversation.

"Well we don't see them around," said the other man.

"That's cause they went to get us some more drinks," Anna said now annoyed at the situation.

"Oh c'mon just one dance," one of the men said as they both sat right next to the girls. They tried to get up and walk away but the men both put their arms around the girl's waists.

"Can you please let go? You're making us very uncomfortable," Anna said trying to pry his hands off. Instead he put his other hand on her lower thigh and started to make his way up higher.

"Just leave us alone! We're not interested," Mila said trying to stand up and get away.

They struggled for a few more seconds before Tom and Harrison finally made it back to the table. "What the hell is going on here?!" Tom said rushing over to the girls.

Anna and Mila both got up quickly as the men finally let go of them. They ran over to their boyfriends and hugged them tightly. "They came up to us to ask us to dance and refused to leave us alone when we said no," Mila said with fear in her voice.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys? They were obviously uncomfortable with what you were doing," Tom said causing the guys just to laugh.

Tom and Harrison both got visibly angry and were ready to start a fight. "Guys just leave it, they're not worth it," Anna said with tears running down her face as she held Tom's face in her hands.

"Yeah guys can you just please take us home, we can just celebrate there," Mila said pulling Harrison towards the exit.

They finally made it back home and the girls were still very shaken up by what happened. "Are you girls okay?" Harrison asked with concern in his voice.

Anna had tears stains on her cheeks, "Um honestly not really," she said as she began to sob.

"We're just a bit shaken up," Mila said looking to the ground. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened to us. Let's just say we got lucky this time that you guys came back before they-" Mila now began sobbing.

Tom and Harrison looked at each other now realizing what the girls had been implying. They said nothing but instead brought both their girlfriends into a tight embrace, trying to comfort them. Their sobs slowly started to quiet as they started to sit up straight. "I'm so sorry you girls had to go through something like that," Harrison said not really knowing the right words to say to the girls.

"If you girls ever wanna talk about it, you know we're both here for you," Tom said holding onto Anna's hands.

"Thanks but it's just not a wound I want to open up anymore. It was a long time ago and we've for the most part healed from it," Anna said.

"Yeah, tonight kind of just triggered old memories but we're okay now," Mila said leaning back into Harrison's arms.

"Can we just go back to celebrating? We only have 5 more minutes until midnight. So lets not let this ruin our otherwise perfect night," Anna said as she stood up and stretched out her hand towards Tom.

"Anna and I will go make some drinks. You two go put on some music and a countdown," Mila said as she rushed to the kitchen with Anna.

"We sure lucked out with some incredible girls Haz," Tom looked admirably at the two girls.

"We sure did mate," he said giving them the same look as they disappeared into the kitchen. "Now let's hurry up before they come back out and yell at us in Spanish for not doing what they said." They both laughed and did as the girls asked them to.

The girls came back out with margaritas as the countdown now showed one minute left until 2018. They drank some of their drinks until the countdown showed 10 seconds left. Each couple stood together as it got closer to midnight. They heard the crowd in the TV now shouting, "3... 2... 1... Happy New Years!"

Anna wrapped her arms around Tom's neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. They broke the kiss, their foreheads now touching, "Happy New Year's my love."

"Happy New Year's mi amor," Anna said before placing one last kiss on his lips.

They broke apart to go hug their friends. They were all so happy to be together. They couldn't have asked for better company.

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