Chapter 5

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January 2017

Anna Garcia posted a story

Anna Garcia posted a story

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The encounter she just had made Anna run a few minutes late. She saw her friends already sitting at a booth. She was the last to arrive. "It's about time! You live the closest yet you're the last one to get here," Maria said.

Anna should be annoyed with them since this is the first time she is late. She usually is the first one to arrive even when they were going somewhere that wasn't near her house. But she couldn't help but smile remembering what just happened a few minutes ago. "What's up with you? Why are you so smiley?" Mila asked Anna, wondering what had her friend so giddy.

"Wait! Before we get into it, can we talk about this outfit?!" Monica said. "You look incredible!"

"You really do! So hot!" Mila smirked.

"You're gonna have all the guys after you tonight," Maria giggled.

"Thank you ladies!" Anna blushed. "But you guys are never gonna guess what just happened!" They all looked at Anna curious as to what had their friend acting this way. "Since I live so closes to the restaurant, I was gonna walk to the coffee shop by my house to grab a coffee before walking here. I got my drink and started walking towards here and I bumped into someone and my coffee spill all over the floor. Luckily not on my outfit. The guy starts apologizing and I immediately recognized his voice. It was Tom fucking Holland. I just met Tom Holland you guys!"

They all stayed silent looking at her in shock before letting out a quiet shriek, trying not to have too much attention on them.

"Wait! Tell us everything!" Monica said excitedly.

"Well he started off by apologizing but then he looked up at me. He started smirking at me and then said he knew me and asked if my name was Anna. When I asked how he knew me, apparently he had seen the posts he was tagged on. And on top of that Anthony and Sebastian apparently talk about me on some group chat that he's a part of. And he saw my picture from today and said he still had my face fresh in his mind. And he called me stunning!" she squealed.

"Oh my god! What did you say?" Mila asked.

"Well nothing. I was in too much shock. And I guess he noticed so he just offered to by me a new coffee. I tried to say no but he insisted so he got me a new one. After that we just walked out of the coffee shop. Then he said he got to spend extra time with me and hoped to see me again. Then before I walked away, he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles!"

"Wow! That is crazy! I can't believe all that happened just down the street from here!" Maria exclaimed.

"See we told you!" Mila said. "He is obviously interested in you if he recognized you off of one picture, called you stunning, kissed your hand, and wants to see you again!"

"Normally I would just brush it off but he was definitely flirting right? I'm not just imagining?" Anna asked.

"You're not imagining. We obviously didn't see what happened but from what you're telling us, it definitely seems like he was flirting," Maria said.

What Anna didn't know was that while she was gushing to her friends about meeting Tom, he was doing the same thing with the group chat he had mentioned to her.


Group Chat
The Marvel Bunch 👽

Tom Holland
you guys will never guess what happened today!

Anthony Mackie
can we just skip the guessing game and get straight to the point

Robert Downey Jr
let the boy have his fun

Scarlett Johansson
what happened to you today that has you so excited Thomas?

Tom Holland
I met Anna!

Anthony Mackie
the girl from Instagram we've been tagging you on??

Tom Holland
we ran into each other outside a coffee shop and she spilled her drink so I got her a new one. then we talked briefly after and it seemed like she was into me

Anthony Mackie
well obviously she's into you!
we told you we could find you the perfect girlfriend on instagram by just looking at fans of yours!

Sebastian Stan
and you all thought we couldn't be matchmakers!

Scarlett Johansson
I still have my doubts

Sebastian Stan
is she as hot in person as she is in her picture? 😉

Tom Holland
okay don't call her hot after I just gushed about her to you guys
but yes. she is absolutely stunning
especially in the outfit she was wearing!

Chris Hemsworth
aww our Tommy boy has a crush

Robert Downey Jr
we have to see a picture of this girl

Sebastian Stan

Chris Evansdang Tom she's gorgeous

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Chris Evans
dang Tom she's gorgeous

Tom Hiddleston
wow and that caption!

Tom Holland
I know!

Anthony Mackie
if you two end up getting married you have Sebastian and I to thank

Elizabeth Olsen
woah don't get ahead of yourself!
they've met once and I'd like to meet her before we decided if Mackie and Seb were right
you know you gotta be careful with fans. you never know their intentions

Tom Holland
we'll see what happens
but I'd definitely like to see her again
it couldn't have just been a coincidence that the girl you guys found is the girl I happen to run into in front of a random coffee shop

Robert Downey Jr
just be careful and keep us updated

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