Thank you

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Dear Desirability readers,

Oops, I know it sounds a bit of a shock, but Desirability has indeed reached its ending.

Thank you for joining me on another Seokro journey. I can't quite believe this is my third completed Seokro book, my fifth Penthouse based book.

Penthouse has really been an amazing healer for me and creating for Seokro was even crazier.

I never knew one story could impact me so much.

When I first wrote this story I was going for full angst, full pain. Funny enough, my best friend who was the first to hear my plot literally told me, "are you flipping out of your mind with the pain? I am sending you blades."

I laughed and it was the best thing ever when we discussed and plotted the story together. She gave me a lot of ideas.

Soon the story developed, I believed a lot of pain has gone through your blood veins if you made it so far, but I ended on a beautiful note.

It might sound a bit rush, and missing a lot of content, but I believed this was the best ending for this alternative universe.

Seokro here had gone through too much pain in the early stages. Forced to marry each other, and when they realised they love each other, they were forced to be apart again. They lost two children, and torn them apart.

But like a gift, they were gifted with twins again. It was like their love had never meant to be separated.

Separated for 6 years, they have reunited again. The shock, the pain, the eagerness, the desire, for each other were beyond what words could explain.

How they have then supported each other, understanding how each other had gone through for the past six years.

They realised, their love never left.

Finally, everyone would have thought, Rona would join Seokhoon's hand once again as Mrs Joo.

But the identity of Mrs Joo from the start was a stressful duty. An obligation that should never be forced, to be there.

Rona, made the right choice for her children, and for herself. Some might say she is selfish, but for me, it was right.

Rona is a strong female, and a loving mother. She wants nothing but the best for her children. And if being a Joo meant that their children had obligations, she never wanted that for them.

Of course, everyone must not forget Yeonsu, who finally became the legal and lawful Joo. He did fulfil what our villain Yonghwa had wanted for him. But eventually, he proved that even though the blood of Joos does not run in him, he still will respect, love, and support his father.

And what he did eventually, loving Rona as a true mother, was the best thing for him.

He had lost love, he knew he was being used, but he never blamed.

Because in love, there is a lot to be thankful for instead of blaming.

This story, for me, is a lot about duty and obligations.

In life we are always forced to be a certain person, to fulfil a certain destiny. To make someone proud, to be honoured in society. To be at the top tier.

But for me, it is about chasing your dreams, and driving towards freedom.

Choosing what is best for you.

You could be like Rona, chasing her passion while still committed in being a loving wife and mother.

You could be like Seokhoon, who stood strong against his challenges, and strived for his enterprise and made honour out of his name.

You could be like Mina, finally being her free dove, finding her eventual love. Despite her past love for Dan Tae, she never regretted every decision she had made. If you would have asked me, she did love Dan Tae, very much. And she would never forget the blessings he had given her despite their departure eventually.

You could also be like Chanseok. Single is not bad. You don't need another half to be full. Of course, having a love fills a lot of emptiness in life, having extra support. But you can find love in those around you, in your passion, in your creation. And yes, the time is yet to come. When it comes, it will come to you in a bundle of joy.

I hope you have enjoyed this story. It might not be the best you have read, but it will be a loving creation by me that I will treasure very much.

With happy memories, I mark an end to this journey.

I hope you have enjoyed Desirability.

Thank you for being here.

Lots of love,

Author Lav xoxo

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now