63 Desire is...at the right timing

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In the hotel suite, Yonghwa screamed as she smashed another plate. 

"SHUT UP AND GET OUT!" She yelled at the servants. 

The maids were all scared of the person they had to risk their lives to serve. Nobody knew when's the next moment this 'master' of theirs would explode. 

A whole month. 

Seokhoon had locked Yonghwa down in the hotel suite they once were at, sent a few maids to take care of her daily needs, and bodyguards to keep her guarded. He cut away all Internet access from her place, so she has no chance to reach out for help. 

Not from her father, not from his father. 

After sedating Yonghwa that day at the hospital, Seokhoon had confronted Yonghwa once when she woke. Of course, it didn't end up good. 

Yonghwa threw things around, in which one of the plates scratched Seokhoon's cheek, causing a small bleeding. Luckily Baesung and the team of bodyguards sent their medical staff to stabilise Yonghwa, but Seokhoon knew, for the moment, she need a taste of suffering from her own failure and wrongdoings. 

So Yonghwa lived in her hell for a month. The hell she brought upon herself. 

Of course, to attract Seokhoon's attention, she made a scene almost everyday, messing with all the staff that was working for her. 

As the maids left the suite, they all took a deep breathe. 

"I am going to get a heart attack if I serve her anymore." One of the servants spoke. 

"Same. But we promised Sir we would keep an eye on her." The head maid sighed. 

Just then a group of guards exited the lift to the hotel suite. 

"Why are you guys out?" The leader of the group spoke. 

"She threw us out." The head maid spoke. 

The guards sighed as well. 

The leader of the group dialled a number, reaching to Baesung. 

"Hyung, she's unsteady again. Should we give her the things Boss intended for her to have?" 

Baesung furrowed his brow on the other end, ordering. "Give. The plan is about to unfold." 

"Nae, I understand." He ends the call. 

He turned to the maids. "You guys stay out, don't come in, just in case she starts throwing things and you guys get hurt." 

The maids nodded as the guards entered the hotel suite with a swipe of the card. 

"Didn't I say get out!?" Yonghwa screamed as she heard the door unlock. 

There wasn't a polite reply, only silent footsteps entering the suite. 

Yonghwa turned herself from the kitchen to the main door, spotting the group of bodyguards. 

The lead of the group bowed to Yonghwa. 

"Mrs Joo. We are here to give you things from Mr Joo." 


"Mr Joo Dan Tae." 

Yonghwa was alerted immediately. Finally, her source of hope. Her cries and calls were answered. 

She adjusted her attire and walked gracefully to the guards, hiding all the improper attitudes she had. 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now