29 Desire is...a who, and a why

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Dan Tae and Mina exchanged some looks and both signalled each other to keep quiet about Rona's presence. 

"Oh really..." 

Dan Tae immediately distracted Yonghwa from the topic to something else regarding their business. 

"Rona, is Yoon Yonghwa's friend." 

Seokhoon was stunned at the findings. 

It's not going to be long before Yonghwa discovers Rona's marriage to Seokhoon. 

There must be something Joo Dan Tae wanted for Yonghwa and Seokhoon, as Seokhoon had analysed. 

"Excuse me, I would like to return to my household now, as I still have some business to attend to and I must rest for tomorrow. I have a big meeting with the shareholders." Seokhoon excused himself as soon as he returned to the room. 

"Apologies to Yonghwa-ssi. I hope you have a good time here. I wouldn't have much time to attend to you but I believe Mina will be able to take care of you." Seokhoon nodded, and swiftly exited the room. 

Yonghwa was all in disbelief, but was left with no choice but to attend to Dan Tae and Mina for the rest of the night. 

The moment Seokhoon exited the room, he reached back into his inner pocket and put his ring back on. 

"I'm never taking this down for any stupid things my father wants me to do anymore." Seokhoon whispered to himself as he caressed his ring, and stormed his way back to his house. 

As he returned to his house with Rona, he felt an instant sense of relief. 

This was finally his home. Somewhere he felt safe, loved, treasured. 

And someone to protect, to love, to treasure. 

He peeked inside the house and found Rona busy packing up the food supplies in the kitchen. He quickly sneaked inside and took the basket he had been preparing by the doorsteps all along before he left for that unpleasant tea time. 

He wanted his own tea time with Rona. 

After arranging the full setting, he slowly walked into the room and held onto his wife as tightly as he could. 

A kiss on her lips. 

"I miss you already." Seokhoon pouted. 

Rona smiled and pinched Seokhoon's cheeks. 

"I miss you too, but you've just gone for like less than an hour. What happened?" 

Seokhoon kept quiet with what had happened. 

"Nothing much. Don't worry about it." 

Rona nodded. 

Suddenly, Seokhoon had a sneaky smile on his face, and went behind Rona. He covered her eyes with his palms. 

"What's happening?" Rona questioned. 

"A surprise." Seokhoon whispered. "Follow me." 

"What is the surprise?" Rona giggled as they walked to the side of the riverbed near their house.

"You'll see." Seokhoon smiled as they slowly walked.

Moments later, Seokhoon revealed before Rona a bouquet of roses right before her eyes and a cake.

"Happy Birthday." Seokhoon whispered.

"I never told you about my birthday, how did you know?" Rona held onto the roses tightly.

"I just know." Seokhoon spoke proudly.

Rona pinched Seokhoon's nose, "you are spying on me again."

"You never told me, it's not fair to not share that information with your husband! What if I miss one of it? Or more? I don't want to miss any of it." Seokhoon pouted.

Rona smiled. "It was never intentional. I just never like to be extravagant about birthdays. Plus back at the orphanage, I never really celebrated. It's usually a night time tea with Dean Cho, playing with the kids, and laying on the grass, admiring the beautiful blue sky."

Seokhoon smiled at the simplicity Rona had. She wasn't asking for materialistic items, she never asked for more love, or more care. She was so independent, so simple in her thoughts.

"So, now." Seokhoon hugged Rona from behind. "You, deserve everything great." He kissed Rona's earlobes. "As long as you are with me, you are forever loved and will have the best of everything."

Rona placed the roses on the picnic mat, and turned herself to Seokhoon. Soft music played in the background and she held her arms around Seokhoon's neck. "I don't care about worldly matters or materialistic satisfactions." She leaned into Seokhoon's arms.

"I just care about you. Us. Our child. That's all I care."

Seokhoon wrapped his strong arms around his wife, his true love.

"I will love you, forever." He confessed.

The two smiled.

"Shall we have a dance, my lady?" Seokhoon invited.

Rona giggled.

Under the moonlight, the two lovers danced barefooted. Feeling the soft grass under their soles, sensing the rosy scent from the candles lit around them, and listening to the soft classical music playing on the vinyl beside them.

Only smiles, laughs, and giggles being heard.

They were in their own, little world.

Nothing else mattered.

From afar, a young female had strolled along the dark path leading to Seokhoon and Rona's house. She was lured there by the soft music that was being played.

From the distance, she noticed two figures in the blurry distance dancing to soft music. It was hard to see who exactly who it was but she could notice it should have been Seokhoon's place, from the descriptions she had received before.

As she was about to approach to find out for herself who was with Seokhoon, the head servant came behind her.

"Miss Yonghwa." She called.

Yonghwa turned in confusion to find the head servant holding her back.

"Please do not go further on. Sire doesn't like to be disturbed as soon as the night falls."

Yonghwa did not like the sound of that.

"Who are you to stop me from where I want to go? I am a guest here at Hera Palace."

"And yet, there are rules set here at Hera Palace. Even as a guest, I kindly offer the option of you not crossing the line. Before Sire gets angry about it."

Yonghwa scoffed at the statement. How would Seokhoon be angry at her, when all she wanted was just to give her regards to him?

Yonghwa was about to ignore the head servant's advice and turn to Seokhoon's household.

But as she turned, the two figures were long gone. And all was left was a dark house.

Questions arises in Yonghwa's mind, as she contemplated the smaller figure next to, what she supposed should be Seokhoon.

The head servant looked at Yonghwa and her suspicious actions. She knew her duty very well. "Shall I escort you back to your household? We can prepare a rose water bath for you to relax your tired body after a long day."

Yonghwa had no choice but to give up, temporarily.

"Who are you with...Joo Seokhoon?" 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now