24: Desire is...something...

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"You were... we were..." Chanseok stuttered in shock. 

He sat across the couple at their house as he was ready to come to pick Seokhoon up to work. 

"Did you forget about what had happened when you were a child?" Rona asked. 

"Not a single thing." Chanseok sighed. "If I had, I would have come to visit." 

"Bad memory," Seokhoon commented. 

Chanseok stared at Seokhoon's playful comment. 

"Says the one that fell down a tree and had a concussion."  

As the two men bickered like little boys, Rona went to pour them more coffee. 

"Dean Cho got very sad when most of the children were taken away to families. He was happy that they were going to be good families, but at the same time he misses him a lot." Rona commented. "Being the last one staying with him, I knew his feelings and connections with us, orphans." 

"I never remembered why I was taken away. But I was offered by Boss one day when I was a child, to live with him and Seokhoon." Chanseok spoke. "I just nodded yes and left." 

"You really have a bad memory. Can you not even recall the orphanage you were in?" 

"I was just a kid. I only knew I was an orphan, at least that's what Boss always stressed to me." 

Rona went sullen suddenly. "He was building his army and empire." 

The two men looked at her. 

"As I had known when I grew older, a lot of those who left at a very early stage was guided by Joo Dan Tae as bodyguards, staff, servants, his helping hand. That's why you had become Seokhoon's bodyguard." 

Chanseok fell to thought. He did realise when he was a child, he spent most of his time being trained in all kinds of martial arts. He was taught to be a strong protector, and be Seokhoon's best friend. Little did he know it was all for a purpose. 

"I guess I was very simple back then. I had a place to live, things to learn, a good brother like family. That was enough." Chanseok spoke. "I never seem to protest or wanted to do something else." 

"It's good to be simple." Rona sighed. "I just knew too much between Dean Cho and Joo Dan Tae, now, that I could not let him destroy our orphanage. I had too many memories there." 

Seokhoon held onto Rona's hand. "I wouldn't let him." 

Rona smiled at the reassurance. 

Chanseok was pleased that the two had reconnected and that everything was back to normal. 

The three sat to drink coffee before Seokhoon was notified by his secretary that he had to go to work. Unwillingly, Seokhoon gave Rona a peck on her cheek and left for work. 

"I'll wait for you for dinner," Rona whispered. 

Seokhoon nodded, smiling at the thought of seeing his wife after a long day of work. The thing he anticipated the most of the whole day. 

Rona spent the afternoon arranging the house and treating her plantations before she received a call from the main house. It was Mina calling. 

"Rona, can you come over to the main house for a chat?" 


Rona was escorted into the main halls and to the tea room Mina owns. 

"Rona!" Mina got up and gave Rona a big hug. 

"Mina, it's been a while." Rona smiled. 

"Of course." Mina brushed and patted Rona gently, missing her a lot. 

The two haven't met for quite a while as Mina had her duties as the first lady of the Joo household. She had to head out a lot lately to help Joo Dan Tae with his business. She had to look pretty and socialise with his business partners at endless parties. 

"You look tired," Rona spoke worriedly, as she helped to pour tea into their cups. 

"I'm alright. Work is work." Mina smiled. "The beauty and flaw of being a rich chaebol's wife." 

Rona giggled, understanding the connections Mina was making. 

"How has life been?" 

"It's been pretty good." Rona smiled as she sipped on her tea. 

Mina could see Rona's radiating smile. It was so much more different from when she was first here months ago. 

"How is...Seokhoon with you?" Mina asked hesitantly. She knew at some point she had been the cause of their broken relationship. 

Rona could see it through. And she knew it was never her intention to break them apart. It was never her fault to not know that someone had feelings for her. 

But those feelings were gone, Rona was sure now. 

Surely gone. 


The endless nights Seokhoon had confessed to her. 

The endless nights he had tucked her into bed close to him. 

The endless nights they spoke to each other, confessing their love. 

The endless nights they spoke of the past, knowing each other more and more. 

Nothing from the past mattered anymore. 

Rona knew now, Seokhoon was made to be with her. 

"We have been great Mina." Rona held her hand, comforting her. "You don't have to blame yourself for anything. I really care for you as a friend, and if you were to distant yourself from me because of what Seokhoon had spoken before, I would be mad." 

Mina smiled at the reassurance. 

"Thank you, Rona. I never know how to thank you for the care you had given to me." 

"I always will care for you because you were the first that cared for me." 

The two ladies smiled. 

As they enjoyed their afternoon tea, Mina realised something she had to tell Rona. 

"Rona, soon there would be a guest coming over. We have to prepare a place for her to rest and attend to her. Just as a company. It is my husband's friend's daughter. She is temporarily back to start her business." 

"Okay." Rona joyfully accepted. 

Just then,  Rona's phone rang. 

It was an unknown number from abroad. 

She picked up the phone and her eyes widened at the voice over the phone.  

Meanwhile, at Seokhoon's office, Chanseok came in with a pad. 

"We might have a guest at Hera Palace soon. I think your father made it a big deal for her arrival at the house soon, maybe in a few weeks soon. She is coming back from the States to establish her business in Korea. I have been assigned to escort her back from the airport to Hera Palace."


"Yoon Yonghwa." 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now