21:Desire is...falling for you

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Rona didn't know when she was back on her warm bed, covered in the softest blanket, tucked in from the cool wind brushing in from the slight opening of the windows.

She blinked a few times as she looked to the distant trees, brushing along with the wind. She snuggled in her blanket before turning to her back, realising the person next to her was gone.

She got up in query. She looked around in the room, and the washroom door was open.

He was nowhere to be found.

Rona got up from bed and took her cardigan with her, walking down the stairs. Then she heard some sizzling sounds coming from the kitchen.

Confused, she looked down and saw the person who was cooking breakfast.

He instantly noticed the young female walking down.

"Annyeong, good morning." Seokhoon smiled. "You're awake."

Rona ran a few steps down and walked to the dining table, where dishes were laid all over the table.

Seokhoon was standing at the stove, frying some bacon. Rona haven't seen such a scenario before, nor to mention have someone to cook breakfast for her personally. Even during her time when she first entered the household, she had ordered the servants not to prepare breakfast for her as she preferred working by herself. But this time, she had woken to a table of delicious meal.

Cooked by the man that she had fallen for.

Haven't exactly been in love yet. But her heart was starting to beat for him.

"Seokhoon...did you make these all by yourself?"

Seokhoon smiled and nodded. "You were too tired last night, so I didn't wake you up. But I guess these delicious food had woken you up at the right time." He joked.

Rona sneaked a small smile, fascinated at the man before her. She had only known Seokhoon as a workaholic, someone who was serious, but now, before her, was a soft gentle husband, caring for his wife.

Out of curiosity, Rona sneaked a question.

"I forgot how I got to bed last night...I thought we were still outside..." She hesitated at her words.

Seokhoon had just finished frying the bacon and plated them. He place them before Rona.

"I took you back." Seokhoon whispered.

Rona looked at Seokhoon with an innocent expression, still unable to figure out how she had forgotten that part of it.

Last night

Soon after confessing their own past, Rona and Seokhoon spent a quiet time admiring the scenarios before them. It was so beautiful and calm that Rona did not realise, the soft swinging of the wooden swing had rocked her to sleep. Her tiny head soon leaned onto the safe shoulders of the one she had fallen for.

Seokhoon felt a soft tap on his shoulder, looking down, he found the young girl leaning against him, sound asleep. He let out a smile.

"You're is still so radiating when you sleep, all the time." He chuckled softly.

With careful gestures, he moved gently up from his position, carefully holding Rona's head. He wrapped her in the safe comfort of the soft blanket and carried her in his strong arms.

They reached their bedroom where Seokhoon laid the sound asleep girl on her bed, brushing her hair gently.

"Thank you for loving me." He whispered before sleeping by her side. 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat