71 Desire is...you

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Rona looked towards Seokhoon who was holding Yeonsu in his hands. Even from the distance, Rona could feel Yeonsu's sadness to see his little siblings being brought away from him. And surely, the twins were wailing and pouting in the arms of Chanseok and Mina.

But it was fate, at least for now, that they will be separated.

As they were ready to enter the border, Rona took one last look at Seokhoon.

"No turning back?" Mina asked as she saw the two lost lovers look at each other with eagerness. 

"No," Rona murmured. 

"It marks the end then?" 

Rona turned to Mina, with a smile. 

"If he knows what my heart yearns, he will let go."

She directed her sight back to Seokhoon. 

It wasn't sorrowing on their faces.

Smiles swept across their faces.

Until then. Joo Seokhoon, Bae Rona. 

12 years later,

"Mr Joo. The president is still at his meeting. Please wait for a while."

"Sure. I will wait for him." The young man stood, waiting for his father.

Soon, the doors to the office opens and the stockholders left the room.

The young man entered the office and closed the door behind him.

"Appa, the organisation for the fund is complete." The young man laid the folders and documents on the table.

"Good job, Yeonsu." 

Seokhoon turned his armchair towards Yeonsu, who was now a dashing 18 years old young man.

"You have proved yourself well. You are doing the best you could for the company. You did well."

Seokhoon stood by Yeonsu's side and gave him a gentle and affirmed pat on the shoulder.

For the past years, Yeonsu has grown into a fine young man with dreams and attributions to be made. He had made himself a name and shown that he was a worthy successor of the Joo Enterprise. Despite still being doubted for his ability as the rightful heir, Seokhoon had given Yeonsu many opportunities to show that he was a luminary.

"Shall we dine together tonight?"

"Appa, have you forgotten something?"

"Have I missed something? You know me, my old age."

Yeonsu and Seokhoon exchanged a small laugh, as Seokhoon moved back to his seat.

It had been a long twelve years. Seokhoon had grown from a young man to a man of honour. He had brought Joo Enterprise to its pride time.

Not long after Rona had departed, Joo Dan Tae fell into serious illness. His heart failure was getting serious, and soon a year later, he died of a heart attack. 

There wasn't a grand burial that everyone thought a Chaebol like Joo Dan Tae would have. 

Seokhoon simply informed those who were close to him and had the cremation urn buried at a funeral centre. 

Sorrows were there, but the relief was more upon Seokhoon's heart. He knew how his father had taken control of life, how much torture he had secretly put upon the people he loved.

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now