62 Desire is...a determination

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A month.

The twins were in the hospital for a whole month. It was tormenting Rona. 

But the family kept on supporting her, giving the best mental support to Rona's poor soul. 

Despite Dr Lee ensuring Rona that the kids would be alright very soon, Rona couldn't bear to see her children in such suffering. 

Out of many that visited, stayed with Rona, one came more often than anyone else. 

Seokhoon came everyday. 

Sometimes he would bring Yeonsu along with him. After settling Yeonsu to bed at their penthouse, he would rush back to the hospital to care for Rona and the twins. He would stay up all night looking at the three, making sure they were alright. 

Every night, he would secretly sit by Rona's bedside, holding her hand as she falls asleep. 

He would comfort her, brushing her hair if she started having nightmares. 

Like he did back when their relationship was mending. 

Occasionally, he would walk over to the twin's bedside and read them stories, when he couldn't sleep. 

Or to say, he barely slept ever for the past month. 

Every morning, Rona would find Seokhoon gone. But deep down she knew that he had been there for her and the twins. There were traces of him everywhere. His soft perfume scent, the flowers and food he left for Rona. The extra blankets over her body and on the twins'. The story books by the bedside. 

She didn't know what happened. Her heart, beats again. Beating fast, like when she first fell for Seokhoon. That night under the moon, where they had confessed their love to each other. That sense of comfort, knowing he was by her side. 

She didn't know herself anymore. 

She would smile when she heard Seokhoon's name. 

She would smile when she saw the food and flowers Seokhoon gave. 

She would smile when...she sees Seokhoon. 

She knew somehow a part of her heart has been moved, but the other remained emotionless. She knew right now, it wasn't the time for her to fall into love when her children are still in danger. But she also knew, she couldn't control that beating heart of hers. 

One night, as usual, Rona was gently wiping the twins' bodies, and helping them stretch so to move their stiff muscles around. Despite a strenuous day of work, Seokhoon haven't stopped rushing between his penthouse and the hospital to care for Rona and twins. He was determined to give them all his support. 

"Rona." Seokhoon knocked and came in. Rona had just finished helping the twins exercise and was about to tuck them back into bed. 

"Let me do it, you're still healing." Seokhoon directed Rona to rest at the couch, where he went in and tucked the kids in their warm blankets. 

Rona looked at the man before her. 

He was still the one she had loved five years ago. Serious at his work, but loving and caring at home. 

After she knowing all the secrets that had been kept from her for five years, she had a change of heart to the man before her. Somehow, Seokhoon and her marriage was still there. It seems like...he...was still hers. But, she couldn't help but find everything distant. She needed time to  adjust to this sudden information. 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now