65 Desire is...a search for freedom

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"Two tickets to Italy." Abbie, one of Rona's secretaries was going to be her assistant and manager for this trip to Italy. 

"Okay Madam, please provide your passport details." 

As Abbie was sorting the tickets and luggage, Rona stood around the counter on her phone. 

"I know what to do and I'll be fine Mintae-sunbae." Rona comforted the male across the phone, who was blabbering continuously. 

"You better take care of yourself. God knows what will happen to you. It's five years since you've travelled. Should I send Chanseok over to keep you company?" He asked anxiously, sounding like a father. 

Rona laughed at Mintae's worries. "I am fine. Abbie is taking great care of me. And don't send Chanseok Oppa over. He has to work and he promised to help take care of the kids." 

"True. We need an extra hand since Yeonsu is here as well." 

Rona smiled at the thought that Yeonsu is there with the twins. The twins had each other for company for five years, but poor little Yeonsu was alone by himself for six years. Now with the twins' company, he will surely be even more happy and free from his 'mother's' bondage.

"Take care. If anything comes up, just give me a ring. I'll be at practice but I will keep my phone on 24/7." Rona reminded Mintae again. 

"Alright our proud pianist. I will check your performance through the online broadcast, we've all bought tickets." Mintae smiled over the phone. 

"Sunbae!! You didn't have to! You should've just told me and I'll give you free access." Rona pouted under the mask she had on. 

Now that her popularity has grown in Vienna, she had to go in and out with a mask on, whatever she does, somehow might appear on gossip or news columns. 

"Don't worry, just treat us a big meal when you're back. I want lobsters and oysters, give me caviar as well." Mintae joked. 

Rona laughed. "Gotcha." 

Just as they were chatting, Abbie finished dealing with all the procedures and they were set to enter the borders. 

"I'm heading in, talk soon when I've landed." Rona headed towards security. 

"Kids!!!" Mintae yelled over the phone, "come say bye to Omma!" 

Rona paused her steps and her lips curled up in a motherly smile as her twins yelled across the phone, "Omma I will miss you!!!" And then without hesitation, ran back to play. 

Rona could hear the sighs of Mintae and Juni over the phone. 

"Thanks for taking care of the little rascals." 

"Our pleasure. Take care." 

Rona nodded and ended the call. 

She and Abbie crossed the security in a few minutes and headed straight to the lounge for a short rest before the ride to Italy. 

Approximately an hour later, Rona and Abbie had boarded the plane, but to their surprise, they weren't placed to sit together. 

"That's weird," Rona double checked the tickets as she observed the business class seats. "I thought you said they arranged us together." 

"I thought so too, my bad Rona!" Abbie apologized. 

"It's alright." Rona comforted. "Head to your seat. It will just be a few hours." 

Abbie nodded and took Rona's hand carry luggage with her to her seat at the front row. 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now