56 Desire is...not letting go

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"Their father abandoned them." 

Those words clouded Seokhoon's mind after the party. 

He laid on his bed after a hot bath, hoping that the shower could clear his mind. But nothing helped. 

He was very sure, Rohoon and Seokna are his and Rona's children. 

If not, why would Rona say words like so. 

He flipped himself back and forth on the majestic King sized bed. 

He had to find a way to connect with his children again. 

He wasn't their father for five whole years, he must repent himself and take care of them at some point. 

But he knew...it shall not be easy. Rona was determined to break apart from him, and he knew getting her back...shall not be easy too. 

He took his phone and checked it over and over again, waiting for Baesung's call or message. 

Yet, this time, Baesung's research took longer than ever. 

It was determined to be a challenge. 


Seokhoon was determined to repent himself, and make things right. 

The next morning, 

Yonghwa woke up at the suite from a deep sleep. Last night she realised Seokhoon was returning home very late again, covered in alcohol, supported by his bodyguards. She couldn't help but stand in front of his door, hoping to connect with him, or at least care for him. But she didn't take the courage to knock. She knew Seokhoon would be angry. 

So pills she took to force herself into a deep slumber, thus waking up later than usual. When she woke, she only found a few servants cleaning the suite up. Seokhoon and Yeonsu was nowhere to be found.

"Excuse me." She asked a servant.

"Yes Mam'."

"Do you know where my husband and son went?"

"Mrs Joo." Baesung entered the suite just then, gesturing the servant to continue with her cleaning.

"Boss took Yeonsu to school already." Baesung reported. 

Then gestured Yonghwa to a corner, where he handed Yonghwa a brown folder. 

"Boss would like you to stay indoors from now on, or only find your fellow friends for tea. He has a few business deals to deal with and he has no time for you. He didn't want you to be burdened with the familial duties, so he will take care of Yeonsu for the time being. They shall be living at another Penthouse suite at the moment, one closer to Angel School of Music. Meanwhile, he has ordered to satisfy you with any materialistic need. You may use his card. Otherwise, unless my orders allow me to take you to them, or they choose to return to this suite, we shall be seeing each other in quite sometime later." 

Yonghwa opened the folder in disbelief. They were all documents regarding the treaty they have set before the 'marriage'.

The things Yonghwa was not allowed to do, not allowed to interfere, not allowed to expose. Or she shall risk losing her spot as the prestige Mrs Joo

Seokhoon is reminding Yonghwa not to step over the line, nor try to stop him in anything he does. 

"If there aren't any more questions, I will excuse myself." Baesung bowed to Yonghwa and exited the suite.

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now