17: Desire... is a guilt

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"What you did was the most stupid thing." Mina whispered to Seokhoon who stood silent.

"I will not mention this to your father, who knows what he will do to you and Rona." 

Mina clenched her fists, regulating her angry breaths. 

"If anything happens to her, I would not be afraid of you guys, I will be the one that takes Rona away from her hell." Mina spoke angrily, "she does not deserve to be treated in this way."

A knock came to the door, Chanseok slide the door open and entered. 

He just came back from the doctors' to get Rona's medical report for Mina to read. 

"Mam'," Chanseok handed the folder to Mina, who nodded in thanks. 

"Rona still haven't woken up?" Chanseok asked worriedly.

"No." Mina sighed. 

Mina turned to Seokhoon who was still silent, eyes red. 

"Chanseok, bring Seokhoon back home first. He needs to calm down. I will stay behind to take care of Rona." Mina ordered. 

Chanseok looked to Seokhoon, who was reluctant to leave. His guiltiness killing him. 

"Come on, Seokhoon." Chanseok dragged Seokhoon a little by his steps and held him tightly as they exited the room. 

The moment Seokhoon left the room, Rona gently opened her eyes to the piercing white light of the hospital room.

The relieve she had. 

Mina exclaimed softly, "Rona! Are you alright?" She went in to caress her shoulders, hoping to bring her some comfort from the lost of a child. 

Which Mina knew well, how painful it was. 

Rona adjusted herself a little, but as soon as Rona saw Mina before her, she broke into tears, crying as if her heart had been torn apart.

"Rona..." Mina cried as well. "I am so sorry. I should be blamed. You have every right to be angry at me."

Rona was not angry at Mina. Neither her nor Mina knew about Seokhoon's intentions.

What broke her more was how Seokhoon did not care about her conditions. Her sadness, her loss of a child.

Why did he still call her, his wife? 

She struggled to get up from her back injury and launched herself into Mina's embrace, weeping in her arms.

"Mina, save me please."

Mina brushed Rona's soft hair, sobbing with her.

"I will."

"I don't want to see Seokhoon anymore."

"Dear... I will do my best to take you away from this hell of yours. I would not let Seokhoon hurt you anymore."

Rona wept even harder.

"I will protect you, so will Chanseok. I will get you a separate housing."

Rona nodded a little in Mina's arms, she cried suffocating tears and soon fell back to trance.

Mina gently laid Rona back down. She sighed. 

"Why must these two young couple be starting off in such pain?" She questioned. "Oh dear universe, must they be like so...must they endure such difficulties?" 

Unknown of how long time had past, Rona woke up in a familiar room.

She realised she was back in Hera Palace.

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now