45 Desire is...those who are loved, will be loved

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Rona didn't know when, the bump grew bigger and bigger. 

It was more and more visible that the children are about to be born. 

The children. 


"Congratulations Ms Bae, you are having twins." The obstetrician smiled. 

Rona was stunned as she laid at the bed, looking at the screen as the obstetrician moved the  transducer around Rona's bump. The ultrasound revealed two little moving fetus, snuggling close to each other. 

Chanseok smiled at Rona as he crossed his arms at the side, looking at the ultrasound. 

"Guess you got your wish back Rona, both of your angels are back." 

Rona fixated herself at the screen, how much of this was a miracle... 

And her mind flew back... to what Seokhoon had said. 

 "I want both a daughter and a son..."

"And I wanted twins..." Rona whispered to herself as she recalled the words. 

How everything was going the way she wanted, but the ones that were suppose to be by each other's side were not there. 

After seeing the obstetrician, Rona was silent all the way back to the hospital room. She fell into deep thoughts of how crazy everything was given upon her. She wanted everything to be over...but the time was going extremely slow for her and it was excruciating to her mind. 

Chanseok can definitely see that Rona is not feeling well, mentally. She had suffered so much, now, almost 5 months into pregnancy, it's all too late to back out from this situation. 

"Rona..." Chanseok called out softly as he pushed Rona around the garden in the hospital. "Everything alright?" 

Rona snapped herself out of her thoughts and nodded a little. 


Chanseok stopped at a curb and knelt before Rona. He had to make sure Rona wasn't blaming herself for anything. The past five months weren't easy, for any of them. 

"Rona, if you have anything you need, you tell me. I would never leave your side or let you fall apart. I made my promise and I will support you." 

Rona directed her sight to Chanseok, his concerned looks, his soft tone. 

"Chanseok Oppa..." Rona felt guilty. "You are treating me too well. I don't deserve this. I couldn't pay up all the fees of this hospital room, how well this facility is. I have nothing but a backpack when I first arrived...but now I am living at one of the best hospital rooms, treated by the best doctors... I know... you are spending your money for me. You don't have to. Please. I don't want to burden anyone anymore..." Rona sighed as she looked down at her bump, visible, enlarging. "And whether or not these children can have good care in the future is still a question and..." 

Rona was about to spurt more words before Chanseok paused her. He held onto Rona's hand. 

"I got things under control, Rona." Chanseok spoke patiently. He had been listening to Rona's frustrations during these five months together, and he had never for a single moment regretted helping her. She is vulnerable. And she needs all the help he could. 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now