68 Desire is...a futile motive

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"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Yonghwa screamed as she threw her phone down on the sofa, tugging harshly on her hair. She felt like ripping the strands of hair off her scalp so to release the hatred within her. Her heart burns like fire, her soul scorched like lava pouring over her. 

Hours and hours of dialling her father's friends, the shareholders, her own friends, for help. But none. None at all would answer her requests. As if they had collaborated together to avoid her, to send her to voicemail. 

"Ahhhhhhh I am going crazy!!!" Yonghwa trotted back and forth in her living room, tears pouring down her cheeks. Her mascara dripped down her cheeks. 

She was in quandary. 

Until one person popped up in her mind. 

"Joo Dan Tae..." She picked up her phone and dialled the number to his 'father-in-law', probably the only one left that could and would stop Joo Seokhoon and Bae Rona. 

But she had expected too much of him. 

"Please leave a message after the sound of beep..." 

Yonghwa screamed once again as she ended the call. 

"Bastards! Bastards! Bastards! Treating me like so? You think I am to be fooled?" She clenched her teeth. 

"You promised you would help me, Joo Dan Tae. You were the one that called me in. You better give me a proper reply." Yonghwa murmured to herself. 

Heading upstairs, she adjusted herself at the vanity and recuperated herself. Taking her purse, phone and car key, she rushed for the exit, disregarding the calls of her maids from the household. 

Speeding her car to the Joo Household, she would have thought that since Joo Seokhoon was back, she might come into a little trouble entering the Joo Household. But she was let in as usual, as she had always been. 

She let out a sense of relief. She was still respected. She was still Mrs Joo. The Joo father and son were still under her control. 

She exited her car and started heading to the main house with a wicked smile on her face, before realising the view before her. 

Workers were moving furniture and decorations in and out of the main house, making adjustments to the interior and exterior of the house. 

Yonghwa rushed her steps into the house, confused about everything before her. 

"What the heck?!" 

She then realised that all the things that were being moved out were the furniture she had picked out and switched after Rona and Mina had both left. 

"What are you guys doing?" Yonghwa screamed as the workers moved the furniture that she bought for the Joo Household out of the house.

She saw the head of the maids ordering the workers which items were to be removed. 

"You!" She gripped onto the head of the maids' shoulder and gave her a slap across the face. 

"Who are you to dare to remove my things from my household?" 

The head of maids was not intimidated. She let out a small smirk and adjusted her suit, then gave the signal to the guards nearby. 

Yonghwa was instantly being restrained by the guards. 

"Ms Yoon. What a pleasant surprise."

The maids don't even address her as Mrs Joo anymore.

"How dare you try to take control over me? Who are you? Just a wrenched maid!!!" 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now