4: Desire is...compare and contrast

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"Seokhoon-ah." Chanseok ran out to find Seokhoon leaning by his racecar.

"Hyung. I told you to hand a card, not flirt around." He teased Chanseok.

"I wasn't." Chanseok spoke. He turned again into the hotel, only to find the young girl gone from his sight. He turns back to Seokhoon.

"She was surprisingly exactly the girl I saved before in a cafe before. She was the barista."

"Oh really..." Seokhoon fell to thought. "Why is she a barista and pianist in this hotel?"

Chanseok laughed. "Seokhoon-ah do you really not understand that not everyone is born wealthy like you?"

"Like me," Chanseok noted, bitterly.

Seokhoon looked at Chanseok at the response he had made, that instantly distance the two men apart.

"Hyung!" Seokhoon was anxious at the statement. "You are not. You are like a brother and best friend to me. Don't set yourself apart from me."

Chanseok smiled.

He gave Seokhoon's chest a hit. "Ya, why have you sneaked out? Embarrassed me."

Seokhoon laughed. "Thought you need the time."

Chanseok rolled his eyes.

"Do not let your father know about this."

Seokhoon pats on Chanseok's shoulder. "Hyung, I've got this."

"If it's my fault, there is no reason for you to take the blame. I am your bodyguard after all."

"No. You're my Hyung and best friend. The one that stayed with me at my weakest moments. The one that grew up with me."

Chanseok crossed his arms at his chest, looking at the unusually sentimental CEO.

"You're weird today."

Seokhoon laughed. "Should I sneak you a kiss?" He tried to lean in.

Chanseok laughed and nearly punched Seokhoon.

The two men laughed and got on the racecar.

As Chanseok started the engine, he turned to ask Seokhoon the dangerous question.

"Why do you need a pianist?"

"For my stepmom's birthday."

Seokhoon spoke, looking in front.

Dani exclaimed with the golden engraved name card before her.


Rona looked to Dani's exaggerating expressions.

"Onni, what is with this reaction?" Rona giggled.

"Dear do you really not know?" Dani was in disbelief.

"What?" Rona laughed.

"Joo Seokhoon, CEO of Joo Enterprise. The pride bachelor of Korea. Woman's ideal husband. The people's GEM."

"That's a very flattering comment." Rona spoke as she folds her dress back into her rucksack and was back in her comfy t-shirt and denim shorts.

Rona walked to Dani and accepted the card from her, observing the golden foiled name on the card.

Joo Seokhoon.

"He doesn't seem too friendly to me though. I thought he would be a little more sincere and handed his own card to me. He handed it to me through someone else."

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now