27 Desire is...a greeting

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"Uncle Joo!" 

Yonghwa knocked at the door of Joo Dan Tae's office. 

"Yonghwa-ah!" Joo Dan Tae stood to give the young lady an embrace. "Aigoo, look at you! All grown up!" 

Yonghwa smiled. "Thank you for having me over to stay with you. Appa was so worried all the way when I was coming back, but thanks to you, he has bothered me less now." 

Dan Tae laughed. "Oh that old friend of mines. So glad you are back to develop your business, Yonghwa. Whatever you need, just say and Uncle will do my best to satisfy you." 

Yonghwa giggled. "What else would I want more but to have you and Appa happy and healthy." Yonghwa handed the flowers to Dan Tae. "Here are some flowers for your wife. I hope she likes them." 

"You can give it to her when you get back to Hera Palace." Dan Tae spoke. 

Then he realised. "Didn't I send my bodyguard to pick you up?" 

Yonghwa shrugged her shoulders shyly, apologetic for the fuss she had caused. "I wanted to see a friend before I return to Hera, so I escaped." 

Dan Tae laughed. "All right all right. I have no control over who you will and shall meet back here in Korea. But it is my duty to take good care of you so, later on, please take our limo and settle back at Hera Palace okay? My wife has already prepared a perfect little cottage for you to rest in." 

"Aww! Thank you so much! I shouldn't bother you for too long though. I will find my apartment as soon as possible." 

"No! No! You are free to stay at Hera as long as you like." 

"Okay, I'll take that offer." Yonghwa giggled. 

After a while, something caught her mind.

"Is...Seokhoon here?" 

"Of course, he is at his office." 

"Could I go visit him?" 

"He is probably busy, but you will see him after dinner tonight. I have arranged a small tea time for us. He hasn't seen you for a long time." 

Yonghwa smiled. "We were just children, teenagers back then. It's probably normal if he has forgotten about me." 

"Oh dear, don't you worry. He must remember who you are. You guys used to hang out well together." Dan Tae laughed. 

"Well, let's hope!" Yonghwa smiled. 

Blossoming thoughts came to her mind. 

How have you been, Joo Seokhoon... 

8 PM

"This smells great." Seokhoon hugged Rona from behind and laid his tired head on her shoulders. "I miss you." He whispered. 

Rona smiled as she stirred the stew in the pot. 

"I miss you too." She whispered back. "But can you help with the rice?" 

Seokhoon laughed and nodded like a cute little puppy. 

He settled the dishes and helped Rona bring the stew to the table. 

"Thank you for the meal!" Seokhoon got all excited about the delicious food before him. 

"So how was your friend?" Seokhoon asked as he nibbled on his food. 

"She was great! And she gave me this." Rona showed the friendship bracelet to Seokhoon. 

"Wow. That's very nice." Seokhoon smiled. But he realised, the bracelet wasn't any simple bracelet you can get off from any jewellery shop. But a designers bracelet by a famous Italian designer, that not much people could afford his pieces. 

"This friend of yours, is she wealthy?" Seokhoon asked. 

"She is." Rona giggled. "You can't believe it right, me, a orphaned girl, befriending a rich girl." 

"I never said that. And you should never say so!" Seokhoon held onto Rona's hand and caressed it softly. "You should never think of yourself as a lowly person. You are my wife, and you are deserving. Of everything, all the love, and all of my heart." 

Seokhoon took no excuse to confess his love for Rona, every second. 

"But how did you befriend her?" Seokhoon asked curiously. 

"I worked as a barista at her coffee shop. At first, she was only my boss, but by coincidence one day, she found me working over time and started to talk to me. We chatted, and weirdly, became great friends. We have so much in common." Rona spoke, "and she made me the manager as she had to leave for the US and I took care of the coffee shop, before I married you." 

Seokhoon nodded. He didn't ask more, as more questions risen in his mind. 

After dinner, a call came to Seokhoon and Rona's household. 

"I'll go answer." Seokhoon replied as he dried his hands from washing the dishes. 

He picked up the phone and on the other end was Mina. 

"Seokhoon, you have to come." 

"No. I don't have to. Why should I see this daughter of my dad's friend. It has nothing to do with me." 

"It's for your father's business, which means yours too." Mina lowered her tone. 

Seokhoon got angry. "I shall not go." 

But before he could cut the line, Dan Tae's voice rang over the other end of the phone. 

"Come here right now, or else, you know what I could do to your powers." 

Seokhoon scoffed. As always, his father threatening him. 


But he had to subside. 

He had no choice. 

If he wanted to protect Rona and their baby, he had to have power. Enough power to take down his father one day, and build his own empire. 

As he end his call, Seokhoon walked to Rona's side and gave her a big hug. 

"Rest first. You and the baby must rest enough." 

 "I think I rest a lot already." Rona smiled. "What happened?" 

"My dad wants me to go to the main house for a while. I'll be back as soon as possible to tuck you into sleep." 

Rona nodded. "Take care, and don't argue with your dad. He has reasons to protect you." 

Seokhoon nodded. Rona was still so caring even knowing Dan Tae had nothing but take advantage of Rona. And he shall never let that happen again to Rona, now that he has two lives to care for. 

Seokhoon took his coat and went out the house to head to the main house.  

As he was walking along the dark path leading to the main house which was bright and glistening, he looked to the ring on his fourth finger. 

A swift move, he took it off and put it in the inner pocket of his suit jacket. 

Tightening his brows, he entered the main house, towards the tea room. 

A knock. 

A greeting. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Joo Seokhoon." 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Yoon Yonghwa-ssi." 

Desirability-  Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now