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"Jungkook, have you gotten your update yet?" Jimin called out as he walked down the hallway to his home that was lit with the sunlight of a warm spring day shining through. "Where did you go?" Jimin called out until he heard a child giggle from around the corner so suddenly. "Jungkook! Stop playing with Minhyuk and get your update already!"

Just then, Jungkook poked his head out from one of the rooms before he stepped out, holding a toddler in yellow overalls with a smile on his youthful face. The little one carried a blue gaze like Jungkook's, dark silk hair like the couple, lips like Jimin's and nose just like Jungkook's, only smaller and fit for his small face.

"I'm not getting the update yet, I want to play with him a bit longer!" Jungkook replied and kept his gaze latched onto the toddler in his arms.

Jimin fought back his smile as he turned to look at the android holding their child in their arms, giggling in his father's arms.

"Ah, put Minhyuk down, or else you'll make it a bad habit of his to be carried like that all the time!"

"Don't be silly, Jimin! Baby androids can't get used to being carried around a lot like human infants do! Isn't that right, my prince? We as androids are far more better than those lazy humans!~"

"Stop feeding him those words! Or else he will grow up to tell every human that he is superior!" Jimin said into a giggle before walking towards the two and holding the young android into his arms. "You'll make him an evil villain! Go get your update, I can take Minhyuk with me to see his grandparents."

"Ah, I can save that update for later! We just started meeting your parents again after so long... I would hate to miss out on them again..." Jungkook said with a pout before hugging Jimin from the back instantly to beg. "You don't want to leave me alone... do you? Please don't..."

"Stop trying that manipulation tactic on me, Jungkook, I know your system like the back of my hand~" Jimin replied with a giggle as he carefully bounced the young android in his arms before setting him on the ground so he could run around freely. "My parents won't mind the fact that you won't be able to come over, you need this update... it will allow you to start aging so you don't stay the same when I'm old. Imagine that... me being old and you're still looking as if you're in your twenties when Minhyuk is around that age too! That would be weird, imagine all those things Taehyung or even Namjoon would say about us! We would never hear the end of it!"

"Why is that a problem? I think you'd still be beautiful even if you're old~" Jungkook teased and left Jimin to laugh and press his head back against his lover's chest. "Alright... alright, I'll get the update..."

"Thank you..." Jimin whispered as he watched Minhyuk run around and giggle as he played with a teddy bear as big as himself, in his arms. "Jungkook, Minhyuk is the first of his kind. There is no other toddler android out there like him too, he is modeled before us, he has my lips, your nose and gaze.... Seokjin gave him to us as a test run and very soon there will be so many of him but made so differently... What if he gets his first defect soon? We don't know how it will affect him and what if he-"

"Ah, don't do this now... we've had Minhyuk since he was in his early run stage and he looked like a human newborn! That was exactly three years ago and he grows just like a human... Throughout those three years we've had him he hasn't reached a defect. He's perfectly fine," Jungkook whispered against Jimin's ear as he softly decorated kisses along his neck. "Seokjin and Hoseok have been getting better with the new updates, you can talk to Taehyung or Yoongi about your issues and they won't deactivate! So, why would you think a defect will take our little prince away? You're stuck in your head... you need to get out of it."

"I... I know, I'm still learning to accept the type of love that won't leave me the next second. It's been a long journey... but it's getting there, I just started seeing my parents again, it's the progress I've always dreamt of."

"What do I have to do to get your mind out of that endless hole?~" Jungkook whispered into a soft tease as he pressed his lips against Jimin's neck once again. "I have an idea... Why don't we go to the beach? Just the three of us... we haven't been there in a while..."

"The beach... I missed that place and I'm sure Minhyuk could use some time outside," Jimin mentioned. In that second, the young creation looked up with his baby blue gaze over at his parents standing together in the hallway as they watched over him. "After your update of course."

"Ah, alright! I'll do that now," Jungkook said into an exaggerated sigh before kissing Jimin over his lips and smiling at him once more.

"Minhyuk, do you want to go see grandpa and grandma?" Jimin said into a soft tone before approaching the creation and kneeling down before him. The giggles and the soft little hands of his matched Jimin in every way, making it difficult for Jimin to even realize that his child was just an android at times. He was perfectly made to resemble an offspring of the two, something Jimin couldn't turn down at all. The creation had all of his love along with Jungkook's as well making him perfect already in the eyes of his two fathers.

"I'll see you soon, my prince!" Jungkook said to the younger android with a wave before walking back to Jimin and giving him another kiss. "I love you and don't forget to come back... I'll be waiting for you here and that goes for you too Jeon Minhyuk! No sleepovers at your grandparents house, you'll drive them insane with those cute giggles of yours."

Instantly, Minhyuk blew raspberries at Jungkook's words before making another giggle that sounded just like Jimin, only softer and pitched to fit his youthful age. There, Jimin smiled, glancing back at his lover and softly pressing a kiss against his cheek.

"Of course, I will always come back to you, Jungkook!" Jimin said with a gentle whisper. There, they met eyes once again to communicate in their own language just like they did the very first second they met; exchanging stares from Jungkook's sapphire eyes to Jimin's brown honey-like gaze. "Who else is going to protect me and love me like you do? You're my Jungkook, my clingy android that I can't get enough of! Ah, I love you as you are, Jeon Jungkook and I always will~"

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