Chapter 13: Just a Stare

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"That's... a lovely photo..." Jungkook spoke out and watched Jimin snap out of his inner thoughts instantly. "Is that the beach?"

"Oh... yeah... it is.." Jimin replied before unlocking his screen quickly. "It's just the beach, nothing more."

"It seems like it holds such a memory with you, is it a good one or a bad one?"

"Bad, no, good? Ah, it doesn't matter, I'm ordering the groceries right now," Jimin concluded and ended the conversation. He didn't wish to continue speaking about it and Jungkook was able to understand that. However, that just left him more curious than before.

"It doesn't matter..." Jungkook repeated and kept his gaze locked onto the young man tapping away onto his phone. His silence deepened and left the android to sit at a chair and continue to watch over him with nothing else to say. Jungkook would be lying if he didn't say he wasn't curious, but he just sat there and longed to know more even if he knew Jimin wouldn't let him in.

Once Jimin finished ordering the groceries, he sat down at a chair by the dining table where Jungkook remained. Silence drowned the two further as Jimin tried his best to think of something else to say other than the conversation Jungkook wanted to have. Jimin had no issues talking to Jimin about it, but he just didn't want to give him too much information and risk deactivating him. It happened before, so Jimin had no plans of letting that happen again.


"Do you like going to the beach," asked the curious android. "Is it your favorite place?"

"It... it doesn't matter, it's just a place," Jimin answered and ran his hand through his silk hair. "That's all there is to it."

"Then... maybe we should go to the beach sometime," Jungkook claimed. His eyes remained locked onto Jimin with such a concerned stare, it was bound to allude to Jimin in seconds, and of course, it did. "If it's not a problem, I haven't been to the beach before..."

"You've never been to the beach? How long have you been active?" Jimin wondered and looked back to where Jungkook sat. "Does... Hoseok even let you out of the house?"

"Not really," Jungkook answered and leaned over where his elbow was planted onto the table and his face was set into the center of his palm. "It's not that he doesn't let me... it's that I can't go out."

"Is it because you're an introverted type?" Jimin questioned and watched how the smirk on Jungkook's face deepended. The sudden tone of mischief amplified at the question and that alone caused Jimin to regret asking that in the first place.

"Well... I don't know... maybe I can tell you, only if you talk to me and tell me what I want to know~" Jungkook whispered and dragged his finger tip along the small details on the wooden dining table. "It's pretty clear that we both hide things... Maybe we can tell each other one after another."

"I..." Jimin stopped himself before remembering that no Androids were capable of holding in too much information and understood that through Taehyung, robots were incapable of handling a situation properly and only tended to brush it off. "I don't... think you will be able to help me..."

"I can't promise you that I will help you, but I can promise you that I will listen."

"You can't say that; Androids don't listen, they hear but they can't listen. You can't promise me that when I know how Android's work," Jimin retorted and continued to see the android holding a smirk over his face. "If I tell you, it could also be too much for you."

"Too much for me?" Jungkook asked and raised his head from his hand before leaning in closer to where Jimin sat on the chair. This caused Jimin to slowly move his body back and continue to look into the blue eyes of the android before him. "You know how Androids work.... But do you... know how I... work?"

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