Chapter 42: It's Been A While

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Jimin pulled the door open and there stood the android he longed to see. Just the sight of him left the human to embrace the warmth that was given to him instantly in contrast to those eyes that never allowed his body to move even once.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he moved in, closing the door behind him and bringing Jimin into a gentle hug. "Do you still feel afraid?"

"No... it's gone now. It's like it escapes the second I tell you and when you arrive..." Jimin claimed, hugging Jungkook against his body and dwelling on the idea a bit longer. "Now that you're here, I'm no longer afraid... but it's odd how-"

"This is all that matters... I'm so glad to hear that, I missed you," Jungkook whispered against Jimin's ear in order to interrupt him instantly. Carefully he ran his hands down Jimin's back and planted them against his waist, such a distraction was enough to occupy the mind of the human before him. "Did you miss me too?"

"You weren't gone long enough for me to miss you, Jungkook!" Jimin replied with a giggle while he kept his arms wrapped around his partner. "I'm so glad you're here..."

"I can tell that you are," the creation whispered in return. His uneasy stare never seemed to turn away from Jimin at all. It was such a glare even Jimin found it to be a little too familiar. But with the calm and sweet rasp to his voice easing the fear in Jimin's mind, Jimin hoped to silence all those doubtful thoughts in his head that longed to jump onto every conclusion in order to feel safe again.

Once Jungkook's lips met with Jimin's, the human smiled softly and closed his eyes. All while Jungkook did not. The android fixed his gaze onto a few items within the room that he knew carried the micro cameras he decorated the house with sooner. As he looked at the very few items, his eyes shifted into a green hue while the slight smile of his lips never dared to fade away into the kiss.

"Mh... oh Jimin," Jungkook said in between the kisses. Finally leaning over until his hand set behind the back of Jimin's head and his body caged the vulnerable human underneath him once they made it to the couch. They remained kissing over the cushions, and Jimin of course, enjoyed every second to that moment. By now, his infatuation grew into interest and that was blooming into the beauty of love now. In his arms, he was safe from anything that could harm him, especially the idea of being alone never crossed Jimin's mind ever again.

"Yes, Jungkook?" Jimin whispered breathlessly. Even the charming tone to his soft and breathless whispers were assorted perfectly like notes to a beautiful arrangement in Jungkook's ears. Jimin was always depicted as something beautiful to the creation, a beautiful flower in an empty field that bloomed just for him and only him.

"Jimin... you... don't think I'm a danger to you, right?" Jungkook asked curiously as he deepened his gaze over at his partner.

"No... no, my Jungkook, you're not a danger to me," replied the human. His gentle hands cupped the creation's face softly and his nose pressed against his. "What made you think that?"

"I was just... curious..." Jungkook concluded. With just the turn of his face carefully to the left, his lips kissed the palm of Jimin's hand all while his own grasps remained planted against the couch. "I don't want you to be afraid of me or think badly of me... you don't, do you?"

"You're just overthinking... I see you as mine..." Jimin replied and moved his head in closer to whisper against Jungkook's ear all while the android carefully kissed the palm of his hand. "Don't ever think you're a danger to me because you're not, okay?"

"Okay..." Jungkook answered and met eyes with Jimin. Only this time, he carried a gleam in them. No matter how hard he tried to hold back his tears, that was something he had no control over. He could hide his emotions and change the color of his eyes within seconds but he could never control the amount of tears he could muster when Hoseok's words seemed to poison his thoughts.

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