Chapter 12: A Lost Cause

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As hours slipped by, Jimin eventually woke up in the late afternoon. His eyes slowly pulled apart when the bright orange sunlight reflected upon Jimin's brown eyes. The young man's gaze latched onto the ceiling before he noticed that his hand was being held. At that moment, Jimin couldn't dare to look to his side. No matter how warm his hand felt, he just couldn't think of holding the Android's hand in his sleep and automatically became embarrassed.

"What's wrong with me?" Jimin questioned himself in his head. Slowly, he guided his focus onto the robot that was kneeling by the bed with his head down and his hand trapped in Jimin's small grasp. The sight of it alone was warming, yet, Jimin just couldn't focus and was left frozen in fear as to what Jungkook would say afterwards.

Once Jimin began to fear many possibilities in his head, he suddenly caught onto the way Jungkook's shoulders moved; mimicking the way a living person would breathe. The way he moved seemed too realistic; his body rose slowly and sank further onto the mattress below him once he let out an exhale. This caused Jimin to hesitate when he thought of pulling his hand away; in a sense, Jimin understood that Jungkook wasn't human and surely robots like him didn't mind the truth after all, right?

As Jimin continued to watch over Jungkook, he lost himself in the sight of him. He kept his gaze onto the robot and began to finally memorize all the details on his face; the little mole under his nose, the smooth touch to his skin and the hairs on his eyebrows adding onto such a firm look. Just before, he could never find himself outlining all the small details on Jungkook's face, but now, he was able to do so when he knew Jungkook wasn't staring right back at him with those sapphire-like eyes.

"He looks less intimidating now... Why does he make me feel so nervous? I know he won't mean any harm; when I speak to him, he seems gentle and calm... his voice is the most comforting thing in the world, I never thought I could feel at ease. But, when he looks at me... I feel weird... is this normal? Is it because after losing Yoongi... I just can't seem to look at another android without feeling as if something is bound to happen? No... that can't be it... I don't feel this way when I look at Taehyung," Jimin thought and kept his hand latched onto the robot before him. "I knew Taehyung way before Jungkook and Yoongi... so it could be the fact that I have yet to learn so much more about Jungkook."

Right in the middle of his own thoughts, Jungkook's eyes pulled awake so suddenly and caused Jimin to flinch before looking away and pulling his own hand back from Jungkook's touch. The second Jungkook looked into his eyes, Jimin began to feel a rush of guilt for staring too long and hoped Jungkook couldn't smell his fears.

"Hello, Jimin... if I knew you wanted someone to sleep with, you could have just said so..." Jungkook whispered and watched Jimin turn his body away completely. With that, the young android only smirked and got up before crawling onto the bed completely.

Jimin began to sink onto the bed the second he felt Jungkook climb onto it. Moments like these just left Jimin to reminisce on those memories when he did have someone else filling that other side of his bed, so, he didn't panic at all but remained frozen in place as long as he didn't lock eyes with Jungkook. Yet, that mindset was inevitable by now.

"Talk to me, Jimin... I'm a little curious..." Jungkook continued to speak into a whisper that was enough to set Jimin at ease, but also cause a chill to run down his spine. At this second, Jimin just couldn't pinpoint what made him feel on edge when he was around the android.

"I... I... I'm sorry, introverted androids may not like physical contact and I understand that... I wasn't thinking..." Jimin managed to sputter. His eyes locked onto the side of the room when all the noise went silent. This alone left him embarrassed; constantly touching his own face for comfort but it was never enough. The young man believed he crossed the line and made Jungkook uncomfortable, but that wasn't what Jungkook felt at all. In fact, the android was enjoying the sight of this.

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