Chapter 3: Sapphire eyes

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"How was your little adventure to the cafe today?" Taehyung asked and changed the mood so suddenly. His pink lips formed a heart-shaped smile over his mouth and his eyes continued to lock onto Jimin's frame. "I noticed the brown bag and the drink over the table, it must be from the cafe not too far from here!"

"Oh... it is. My trip was very... interesting..." Jimin replied and caught onto the fact that Taehyung changed the conversation in order to cheer him up. Of course, Jimin couldn't blame Taehyung, there were things Androids couldn't comprehend and issues within relationships were one of them. When it came to Androids, their minds were coded to become very positive towards humans and their issues no matter what. They had limitations on what they could or could not do and Jimin completely understood that after experiencing so much already. He just wished they were thought out a bit more and coded to actually help instead of brushing things off so easily.

"Interesting? What made it so interesting?"

"Oh... well, my neighbor works at the cafe... his name is Jung Hoseok; an actual human, I really wanted to challenge myself and talk to him but I was too anxious to say anything else. So, I left with my order and didn't look back," Jimin continued and slowly turned his gaze towards the same window he was staring out of just to watch the android outside. "When I came back home, I found an android sitting out in the snow."

"An android sitting out in the snow?" Taehyung asked curiously and tilted his head. His smile softly faded away as he too became interested in whatever Jimin had to say about this peculiar robot.

"Yes, he was just sitting there... watching the sunset and not saying a thing. Even when I noticed him, he didn't seem to care or ask me anything. Normally any other android would acknowledge me and communicate, but this one... he was silently watching the skies and remaining in one place. It was weird."

"You're right, that is weird. Are you sure that wasn't a random human who's an Android wannabe?" Taehyung questioned with a serious concern over his face, but the sound of his question only caused Jimin to let out a laugh.

"I don't think he's human! He was sitting on the snow, lost in his thoughts without the proper clothing for the cold. He wasn't trembling at the cold white snow against his skin! Do you... think he's broken?"

"That is weird... any other android could have approached you. There isn't a moment where we are alone, if we are, we tap out and recharge. I don't think I've ever had a moment staring out at the distance like that, I don't even think I'm capable of getting lost in my so-called 'thoughts'."

"It didn't even end there! He acknowledged me. His eyes matched the way Androids would stare. Even if he seemed a little peculiar, he acted the same like any other robot would. His shoulders would rise and sink; he would imitate breathing like other robots would, his eyes would take a second longer to blink like other robots would... but he looked as if he could think in that head of his... something other robots couldn't do."

"Did you say anything to him?"

"Of course not! I had to push myself forward to run off. It was like he was staring into my soul; those blue eyes were like daggers constantly shooting at a target. The feeling of being watched amplified the second I locked eyes onto him. Yet, as scary as it was, I can't stop thinking about it! I could still feel the hairs on my skin shoot up and the chills racing through my body as well!"

"Where did you see him?"

"He was sitting outside of Hoseok's home. I wanted to know why he was all alone and how he was able to do so, but I just believed that must have been Hoseok's android and that I shouldn't stick my nose where it shouldn't be. If that is Hoseok's personal robot, he has a weird taste in Androids," Jimin concluded and continued to look in the direction of the window where he last saw the peculiar creation. "I wonder, is he still out there? The sun has already set, maybe he's admiring the night sky..."

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