Chapter 48: Forget

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      "Namjoon... I'll call you back," Jimin said into the call and after saying those words, he hung up and continued to look Yoongi in the eyes.

      No matter how many times Jimin would blink, that android; that pale and charming creation, still kept the gummy smile over his pouty lips as if he knew nothing and the truth was, he truly didn't. It was the curiosity that drove him here, nothing more and nothing less. Jimin thought he would always be prepared for this moment, but unfortunately, he only pushed it away and accepted Jungkook into his life, not facing the issue at hand. Only now, he was faced with his problems.

      "Why is he here? How did he get here? I thought he was deactivated but I guess he was reactivated recently... if he was, he doesn't remember me at all..." Jimin thought and kept his trembling gaze locked onto the young android before him. "The one that stole my heart and left, has returned but barely knows my name..."

      "Hello..." Yoongi spoke up. Interrupting Jimin's thoughts and leaving him to look away. Avoiding the blue eyes he used to spend hours adoring so much. Now, he only became saddened and upset by the sudden look of them. Standing at crossroads when it came to hating him and missing him at the same time.

      "How... Can I help you?" Jimin pushed himself to ask, yet, no matter how hard he tried, his eyes always found a way to look up to the eyes he never knew how much even the smallest side of him could miss.

       "I...was searching for a man's house and then I ended up here... do you know anyone by the name of Jung Hoseok? Can you help me?" Yoongi asked and stepped forward, only to watch Jimin's eyes glisten at the sight of him standing before him and stepping back the second Yoongi came forward. "Just point me to the direction and I will leave you alone-"

      "No..." Jimin whispered to himself. Unaware that he suddenly spoke out to the android without a warning.


      "A-Ah, I didn't mean that, I meant... okay!" Jimin replied and couldn't stop looking Yoongi in the eyes. Taking another moment to reminisce that eerie feeling of what once was, but now, became nothing within seconds.

    Somehow, there was that small little something; that something in the size of a spec, inside him that hoped Yoongi could remember the longer he remained staring, but he only wasted his time looking at an android that could never recall. Besides. It was only a small part of him that still clung onto the time he was truly happy. Of course, he was happy with the mysterious robot he was with now, right? Jimin knew this and was quick to put off any small doubt, yet he stood there, as if he waited for this moment the second he said his goodbyes to the android he once knew and once loved.

     "Well?" Yoongi asked as Jimin only shot his hand up and pointed to the direction of Hoseok's house instantly.

     "T-There..." he spoke out once more and with that, he watched the android nod his head and look over to the direction where Hoseok and Jungkook lived together. "Do you... need anything else?" Jimin hesitated to ask.

      In reality, he wanted to run as far as he could from this place, but at the same time, that side of him that dreamed of Yoongi returning to him and staying, only longed to run from this place with his hand intertwined with the android. That's how Jimin knew he hadn't moved on from the past and only shoved it away. With Jungkook, he pushed the thought of Yoongi away, never really facing it until it came back around to haunt him like this. Constantly toying with my him and standing before him like a fool.

      Yoongi suddenly began to detect a tear running down Jimin's eyes the more his gaze would latch onto the android for more than a second. Yet, the saddest part was, was the fact that Yoongi didn't know why. That could have been the toughest thing Jimin had to realize now. That Yoongi didn't know or care about him now and if he ever did, he would only be serving his purpose as an android who only lived to protect and satisfy. Nothing else.

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