Chapter 41: Jumping to Conclusions

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Jungkook dried any tears that he could muster as the sparks began to emit from his eyes. As his gaze remained latched onto the door far ahead, he only shifted his attention down to Hoseok who was still underneath him; drowning in his own silent tears. The fact that his mind still dwelled on what Jungkook told him along with the idea that the creation he helped create and actually raised, was planning to kill him right on the spot. It became too much for Hoseok that he dwelled on the idea and began to cry underneath the android.

" only fear me," Jungkook continued as he leaned in closer until he was able to whisper against Hoseok's ear. "You should know by now that I am incapable of harming Jimin the moment we bond...but you, I won't hesitate to do so. My love isn't a danger here, I'm not the danger at all, you and your love on the other hand, is the real danger here."

The second Jungkook said those words, the android got off of the human and walked out of the kitchen and back into his room. Leaving Hoseok to lay there and stare up at the ceiling, contemplating and desperately trying to dry the tears that spewed out of his gaze like a waterfall. Just as he laid there he got up and tried to compose himself, he was glad to know that Taehyung returned around the right time and was able to knock at the door right before he would draw his last breath. Taehyung just wouldn't know how important this moment was for Hoseok.

Once he made sure the tears on his face were dry, he let out a sharp exhale before opening the door and locking eyes with the tall android before him; arriving exactly on the time he told him way before. In a second where Hoseok looked up at Taehyung, he almost wondered how things could have been if he was too late.

"Taehyung, I'm so glad to see you..." Hoseok said with a smile as Taehyung noticed the red hand marks around Hoseok's neck.

The android longed to say something, however, he recalled the warnings he gave to Jimin and watched as the human disregarded them. So of course, Taehyung just didn't want to bring it up because deep down, he knew Hoseok would disregard his warnings too. Just as Taehyung's eyes latched onto the red marks along Hoseok's neck, he automatically knew where they came from so all he did was store this information into his database. Knowing well that it took a lot to brush it away when Hoseok was in danger and could have died if he didn't knock. The only choice that was left to act on was to do things his way.

"I'm glad to see you too, Hoseok," Taehyung replied and stepped in, slowly focusing his gaze onto Jungkook's door, but not saying another word right afterwards.

Meanwhile, Jungkook paced around in his room, drying the many tears that escaped his round eyes like streams from a river. No matter what, he just couldn't stop thinking about Hoseok and the many things he said. Jeon Jungkook has finally come to the realization that he was so close to acting out of pain and anger, he could have killed his co-creator if it wasn't for the knock at the door.

"I'm not a danger... I'm not a danger and I will never hurt Jimin! He only said that to scare me and make me stop... even he knows I'll never harm the one I care so much about," Jungkook said into his thoughts and continued to pace around until he came to a stop. "The one I care about..."

With the young android repeating those words in his head, he reminded himself that Jimin was at home and safe. Believing that he didn't need the android to protect him from the unknown, Jungkook began to worry as he dropped onto the rolling seat in front of the wall of box televisions stacked before him.

"I want... I want you to need me... just as much as I need you... please, Jimin..." Jungkook whispered to himself and dried his own tears, yet they just couldn't stop causing him to flinch with every spark that was emitted. "I need you..."

Gaze Detection | Jikook |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin