Chapter 62: Acceptance

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"Why... Why are you crying?" Jimin asked, not really expecting this reaction from the android. "Jungkook... did I say something wrong? Are you okay?" A sudden rush of worry overcame Jimin as he pulled the android closer and began to wipe his tears despite the shocks emitting from his eyes. Even through this, Jungkook never stopped cupping his human's face. Jimin just couldn't see that Jungkook was finally hearing the words he never knew he longed to hear and was currently drowning in the guilt he had towards his many regrets.

"No... no... you didn't say anything wrong... I... I just... I'm sorry..." he went on, trying to gather words as he began to flinch at the shocks coming from his eyes. While he tried his best to stop crying to himself, Jimin continued to dry those tears that escaped his eyes, never wanting to shame Jungkook for feeling this way. "I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing? Jeon Jungkook, you're perfect just the way you are and you're everything I need. I love you so much," Jimin continued to say all the right words, causing Jungkook to turn his face away from Jimin and try to dry his own tears without the help of his partner. "Jungkook..."

"Jimin... you... you can't love me now..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Jimin... you can't love me if I'm not fully human... don't you want me to be human? To be as close to being a human? I'm not worthy of your love... of your human definition of love when I'm still like this! Crying and causing painful sparks to emit from the corners of my eyes with every tear that escapes! Jimin, I'm... I'm not good enough to be loved and you know that," Jungkook cried, breaking himself even more with every word that was told to him long before.

The sad little creation was created with these words being played out in his head constantly to the point where he believed he could only be loved if he was fully human. Thus created his endless hunger and chase to finally become perfect if he succeeded in becoming a living person. That was the only way he was told he would be good enough for once in his life.

"Jungkook... you're good enough... What are you talking about? You're perfect. Believe me when I tell you this, I love you just the way that you are right now, you don't have to be human, you don't have to change a thing!" Jimin continued, drying a tear that escaped his worried gaze as he moved in to cup his Android's face carefully and slowly moving his face towards his. "You're perfect to me..."

"I... I can't believe it..." Jungkook whispered and tried his best to dry his own tears while he couldn't dare to look Jimin in the eyes while the guilt was also eating him up inside. "I knew.. if I was human enough... I would be loved. It was always like this... when... When Seokjin and Hoseok was making me... was creating me, they only picked out my imperfections and said I'm not good enough or close to being human. I never had their love... their love was only for the others, never me. Jimin, I thought you wouldn't love me until I was human enough for you. It's always been that way... you don't know how hard I tried to be something I'm not... you don't know the fucked up things I've done to behave the way that I do now and that's only close to being human as I could ever be..."

Jimin continued to guide Jungkook's face towards his, looking him in the eyes and drying his endless tears. When Jungkook was finally able to calm down for a bit, Jimin knew it wouldn't be the end so he looked him in the eyes and said the words Jungkook needed to hear. "Jeon Jungkook, you don't have to be human for me to love you. Do I need to be an android for you to understand me?"

"No, Jimin... you're perfect... you're everything I admire and everything I need."

"Then, you understand when I say you're perfect just the way you are. Don't change anything about yourself, Jungkook. You are good enough, you are perfect and you are loved... I don't want you to chase after something so ridiculous," Jimin mentioned as his hands never seemed to pull away from cupping his Android's gentle face. "Yoongi... had the same issue. Do you want to know why he deactivated? Because he's not human. Because he tried so hard to understand and become human, he messed himself up over it! He's not human and you're not human, never was and never will be! But you know what?"

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