Chapter 47: He's Here

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    The idea of not going anywhere for a long time assured and eased many worries that ran wild in his restless mind. He didn't enjoy the feeling of losing someone else and that was Jungkook now. After arguing with Taehyung, he just knew he wasn't going to see the android for a while again. He only wished he could find a way to heal things between them, but Jungkook was the source of that issue and what Taehyung spoke was something Jimin found difficult to understand especially when it came to his partner being seen in a negative light.

       "Why are you talking like this?" Jungkook questioned as he noticed the silence that began to emit from the young man. "Jimin, I'm not someone who will neglect you like your parents or just leave you like any other. I'm here for you and that will be an eternity or until you decide you don't want me anymore."

      "Don't want you anymore? That's cruel, Jungkook... I will always want you..." Jimin assured and ran his hand up to caress the side of Jungkook's face carefully. "I always will..."

     "I'm glad that you will..." Jungkook replied and softly kissed the center of Jimin's palm. "Jimin, can you answer my question? Why are you talking like this?"

      "I... I talked to Taehyung earlier today and... he told me things... things he speculated about you as if he truly knew you. But I didn't believe them at all! He said that you were a danger to me, could you believe that?" Jimin asked and said it into a soft chuckle. "I didn't want to believe him and then he... he left. At the time I didn't feel bad but-"

      "You don't think I'm a danger to you, right?" Jungkook curiously asked, interrupting the young man and looking into his eyes. Suddenly the air around him thickened the moment Jungkook's eyes fell from a pink back to a blue hue. The color that always tended to keep Jimin alert when he was around the android. After Jungkook asked that question, he slowly ran his hand up to tuck a piece of his silk hair behind his ear. "I'm not a danger to you... right?"

      "Of... of course you're not! You would never hurt me..."

      "Then trust that I will always tell you something if there's anything wrong with me, okay?" Jungkook asked to assure as the human only nodded and kept his gaze locked onto the hypnotic stare Jungkook had that was dyed in blue. "Get some rest, you're very tired..."

       With the gentle run of his fingertips along the nape of Jimin's neck after saying such demanding words coated in the warming sound of his comforting voice, it was enough to send shivers down his spine and cause the human to press his head against Jungkook's neck once more. He knew he felt safe in the arms of the one he began to love, but somehow there was always something that tended to make him feel a little concerned and it always started with those blue eyes of his.

       In a few days time, Jimin had already changed the lock screen within his phone to the picture he took of the beach that day he first kissed Jungkook. There were no traces of Yoongi in his life now, he didn't want to hold onto the photo of the ocean when only somber memories were attached to it. Now that he was with Jeon Jungkook, he knew he didn't have to hold on to Yoongi any longer and so, he finally moved on completely. Of course, he had only thought so. Moving on to him meant getting over the one he tried so hard to forget and once Jungkook came into his life, it made things easier for him... or so he thought.

      Jimin remained alone for the most part of the day. He didn't have anyone else to turn to when no one but Jungkook was in his life now. Before, he would expect Taehyung to knock at the door and keep him company for the rest of the day but now, he hasn't heard from the android ever since that day they argued. At that moment, Jimin just never knew how important that young android was to him until he lost a good friend.

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