Chapter 16: Nothing's Changed

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"You have a cute smile," Jungkook spoke out and brought Jimin back to reality after getting lost in his thoughts, and for a minute there, Jimin's face began to glow in a pink hue after listening to what Jungkook just told him. Was the robot truly an introverted type? Jimin just couldn't remember if Yoongi was this confident about his own words. The very thought of Jungkook making these remarks was enough to confuse the human when he tried to settle on the thought of Jungkook being an introverted robot.

"Is he... flirting with me?" Jimin thought and brought his gaze up to Jungkook's eyes. "Yoongi was introverted too, but I don't remember him being this open about his words... or especially that brave enough to say them... maybe things are different since Jungkook isn't like the rest."



"Did I lose you already?~" Jungkook asked and made a charming smile as he looked into Jimin's soul with his bright blue eyes.

"I-I was just thinking!"

"What's on your mind?" Jungkook asked. The soft tone to his voice returned again to trace its finger down Jimin's spine. The young man continued to sit there and hold back the shiver that longed to race through his blood, was Jungkook always like this?

"Nothing..." Jimin replied and threw away any other thoughts of Jungkook acting differently since he was cautious about his thoughts being read by Jungkook himself. It was impossible for Jungkook to do that of course, but the way Jungkook looked into his soul, left Jimin silent as if he was being listened to even in his thoughts.

"Nothing...? Alright, I'll take your word for it," Jungkook dropped the question as he sat up on the couch. "The sun will be setting soon, I think I should get going," Jungkook continued and stood up right after.

"B-But, you can stay and we can continue talking... please!" Jimin begged. Surely, Jimin knew he would be alone at the end of the day but he didn't expect it to happen so suddenly.

Jimin almost forgot how it felt to be alone and just fearing the torture of being watched, tempting to drop onto his shoulders again like a pile of bricks, was something Jimin just couldn't look forward to. The desperate human hated being watched and the idea of being watched in the comfort of his own home by an unknown entity, was enough to make him desperate towards his friend.

"I would love to stay, but I will need to recharge eventually. If I stay, I won't have enough to keep me going by the next morning. Maybe next time, Jimin," Jungkook answered.

However, the second he turned around to point his perfectly sculpted body in the direction of the door, Jimin suddenly acted out of his own thoughts and reached for Jungkook's hand out of the fear that possessed him to avoid being watched again. Jimin absolutely hated being watched so much, he longed to have a friend stay over just to get rid of that feeling.

"Please, Jungkook, I'm afraid! I'm afraid someone or something will watch me in my sleep. It happened before and I couldn't sleep. Who knows if it will happen again? I hate it so much!" Jimin begged. The second his hands wrapped around Jungkook's left hand, the android made a smirk to himself and finally took a glance back. Wiping the sly smirk out of his face just so Jimin wouldn't see.

"Jimin, why don't I come over tomorrow instead? I'm sure that whatever it is, it's gone by now. I detect no other living or moving creations at this location. You'll be fine!"

"You can't say that, what if it returns in the middle of the night? What if it keeps preying on me until it attacks me? I'm sorry if I'm a little desperate, I... I just hate being watched... it... it makes me feel uncomfortable. It's like that in public at times, so I stay home since I never get that feeling... only until now it ruined the safety I have at home. Jungkook, please, I can't-"

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