Chapter 23: Curiosity Killed The Cat

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Jimin didn't think it was possible, but here he was; feeling the shiver race down his spine like water trickling down the leaves of a tree on a rainy day. This was somewhat bittersweet to him. The words Jungkook spoke gave him chills but the warmth of his voice and his arms wrapping around him were quick to cancel out anything bitter. Jimin let out a sigh and continued to bury his face into Jungkook's arms. Normally, he would be too anxious to even hug another like this, yet, it didn't seem to bother him now. Here Jimin was, surprising himself every day by doing something he wouldn't normally do.

It wasn't until he began to blush as he took a deep inhale of Jeon Jungkook's scent. It was a faint smell of cologne; a scent Jimin never knew how much he would begin to treasure. Just as the feeling of comfort and warmth wrapped around him, he couldn't help but to notice the small part of him that was still alarmed by the android. Maybe he still had yet to get used to him, that had to be it, right?

"Did you hear me, Jimin?" Jungkook asked into a soft whisper as his head slowly pulled back. Finding a way to point his face towards Park Jimin and stand in his personal space every time as if it was his job to do so. A job he had no fear taking part in and managed to do it so well. "I'm here... for you... only you..."

Jimin's eyes fixed onto Jungkook's. There, he caught onto the slight hue of the dark green shifting into a light blue color within the windows to his existence. With the sight of Jungkook's eyes shifting from green to blue instantly, Jimin recalled that Jungkook said his eyes displayed his emotions; blue was when he was calm, but green was when he became mischievous. This made Jimin curious as to what caused him to feel like that if they only hugged and shared little words that carried heavy meanings.

As Jimin continued to blush and trace the irises of Jungkook's gaze with his own eyes, Jungkook made a soft smile and leaned his head in closer to the point where Jimin felt his heart race at the sight of seeing the android this close. In fact, he knew what would come after and he knew the lack of distance would lead into something else, but the fear finally came back to him and caused the human to freeze up and become at a loss for words.

"That's your cue... say something to me..." Jungkook's raspy whispers shifted into a tempting growl that continuously shot electrifying shocks through Jimin's body.

Abruptly, Jungkook was able to pick up on the way Jimin's chest moved quickly into his panicked breathing until his head fell forward and his face buried into his chest again. Avoiding the tension that was shared between the two for that solid minute.

"No comment..." Jimin replied and smiled softly to himself as his face continued to be left buried into Jungkook's comforting chest. "You knock all the words out of my mouth... quit it..."

"Speechless... I like that I leave you speechless," Jungkook added. His face continued to carry the smirk as his free hand found its way back to Jimin in order to caress his hair back carefully. "Can... I protect you every night?"

"You could... but I'd rather put a stop to it. I wouldn't want you to-"

"Shh...." Jungkook hushed the human before him and kept his hands softly combing Jimin's hair. "Maybe soon it will stop... but until then, I live next door. It doesn't bother me to stay here for you. Just tell me I could..."

"Okay..." Jimin answered.

He couldn't tell if he truly wanted Jungkook there or only said it to make the android happy. He hoped to become more independent and free, but Jungkook took a step forward which led to the young man having to take a step back. Even if he didn't think having Jungkook here would help him with his issues, he would blush at the idea of laying in the same bed as the android. He would blush at the idea and for once, he was glad that the empty spot on his bed wouldn't feel so empty now. Maybe protecting the human gave the android purpose despite the fact that he didn't do much back at home. Jimin only figured that this friendship was just innocent and harmless of course, it just had to be that.

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