Chapter 57: A Bad Idea

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    Jungkook held his human close to his body at that moment. He couldn't think of anything else but the guilt that returned to him right after sex. As they lay close to each other, exposed and vulnerable to any thought that could dare to come to mind, Jimin closed his eyes and intertwined his hand with Jungkook. It was no secret that he loved the android very much, he just wanted to tell him at the perfect time in which he had already planned out to confess on the beach.

     Jimin valued those beautiful words. To others, it was just a sentence, but to Jimin, it meant so much more. After the parents he loved so much, sent him off to live on his own, Jimin didn't realize he was valuing the words more than ever before. Not to mention, he gave his heart to Yoongi before and only left him to recover after losing him. Jimin came a long way and was glad that those wounds were finally mended. He just never knew it would take looking at Yoongi before him in order to repair the big cavity in his heart in seconds.

      On the other hand, loving Jungkook was different. He felt as if he could truly stay with this creation until the end of time even if it wasn't possible for him to live forever like Jungkook could. Love was what hid any other thought and blocked any other fear there could ever be standing in his way. If there was an issue, Jimin just dared to ignore it just to finally keep what he had always longed for and hold onto it until it was really his. There was no way he planned on going through the pain he was put into before.

      When safety was all Jimin associated Jungkook with, he closed his eyes to rest, longing to nap and wake up to the android once again. As he did so, Jungkook didn't even notice the second the human closed his eyes. His guilt, uneasy feeling and endless thoughts of Hoseok's words came crashing down on his happiness where he had only longed to stay by Jimin until the end of time. Before, his intentions were different towards Jimin and he believed he changed so much for the man, but that unfamiliar and uncanny feeling he had for some inexplicable reason, left him to feel as if that wasn't good enough to save him from his past.

     "I'm not going anywhere... it's just guilt, that's it..." Jungkook thought to himself, biting through all his doubtful thoughts all at once. "Nothing will happen to me and I will stay here with Jimin... that's all that matters..."

      Jungkook kept assuring himself as his pink gaze shifted to a grey color, displaying his fear in his eyes until his attention was caught by Jimin, laying there and completely unaware of anything going on in the Android's world. In a second where Jungkook stared at his human, he felt a little envious because he only hoped to be as calm as him.

       "I want to be... as calm as him... unbothered and unafraid. I want to be so collected and careless... so perfect and absolutely flawless, how does he do it? How can he do it and not me? Why can't I-"

     In a moment where Jungkook caught himself becoming frustrated and envious of Jimin like he always did before, his eyes fell from the red hue and slowly died down to a calming blue.

      "No... I shouldn't think that way.... I don't envy him, I don't want to envy him and get jealous of him, I love him... I love him with all my heart and I can't harm him. I can't keep torturing myself like this, it's not what he would like and it's not what I would like. These thoughts... it's all in my head, I need to grow out of the mindset Hoseok and Seokjin put me in," Jungkook thought and continued to watch Jimin as he kept his eyes closed. "But it's too hard..."

     After a good while, Jimin was able to take a good twenty minutes to rest. But it was all interrupted when he suddenly came into contact with that bone chilling feeling. The hairs on his neck stood and his body stuck to the bed like glue. In an instance he could feel eyes drag along his delicate and exposed body, Jimin could only think of his android to save him from the horrid gaze detection.

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