Chapter 37: These Four Walls

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     The door creaked the second Hoseok slowly pushed the door to the eerie room open. At first glance, Hoseok noticed the black light filling the dark and cold room instantly. It was a nerve-racking sensation that guided its fingers down Hoseok's spine as the human stepped forward, sinking into every step as if he was going to suffocate within these four walls.

     "It's dark in here... where is the light switch?" Hoseok asked himself, guiding his hands along the bare spaces along the walls before letting out a scoff. "Of course... there's no light switch in here, he keeps this place cold and dark to scare me off, huh?" The man went on and right at that second, Taehyung set his hands over the young man's shoulder, causing another chill to shoot through his blood instantly.

     "Hoseok, why is this room of yours different from the rest?" Taehyung asked curiously and continued to look around the vast room, scanning every object in place in order to familiarize himself within the darkness. "You should invest in a lamp... intense exposure to UV lights for a long and extended time can result in damage to skin and eyes. However it differs. Either way, it's not safe for you to be under this light for too long," Taehyung mentioned as Hoseok took out his phone and began to shine a flashlight.

      "I'm well aware of that information, Taehyung," Hoseok replied and guided the light along every object in the room.

     To his right, was Jungkook's charging station sitting by the corner of the room and off to his left was a wall of box televisions set up together as if they served as different monitors. Yet, they weren't plugged in and the limited lighting didn't seem to show the writings within most sticky notes attached to the walls along with the desk carrying the box televisions. As Hoseok quickly guided the flashlight emitting from his phone across the room, his eyes latched onto Jungkook's wardrobe.

       "Another wardrobe? You must have a lot of clothes, Hoseok! Other androids do not need that much!" Taehyung spoke up, cutting through the silence to gloss over the fact that Hoseok was afraid. Because Taehyung wasn't built to handle issues or know what to do in a concerning environment, he tried his best to make Hoseok smile through this, yet, he just didn't know why the human was afraid in the first place.

      "This isn't my room," Hoseok answered before allowing the room to drown in silence. "Again, this is Jungkook's room..."

       "Jungkook has many things in this room, I feel out of place because I only have my charging station... I have no need for anything else in my vacant room except for my clothes," Taehyung mentioned and walked around the room curiously before stopping right at the wall of box televisions stacked along each other so perfectly. "Why does he need to have this many box televisions? What does he watch?"

      "I don't know," replied the human as he continued to look around for what he longed to find in the first place; his expensive micro cameras.

       "If he is entertained through these televisions, does he combine the media so every screen has its own view? Or is it the same thing repeated on every screen? If so, why is he watching entertainment this way? Most Android's download entertainment onto their database in order to keep the conversation rolling," Taehyung continued and went on and on, leaving Hoseok to desperately try to ignore the questions the android made in order to stay focused and not distract himself further. He only wanted to find the cameras and leave as soon as possible.

      "I don't know, Taehyung..." Hoseok answered. Guiding the flashlight along the wall of sticky notes Jungkook kept. The second Hoseok did so, his eyes widened; catching onto a few words that were written on a few.

        Hoseok's eyes then fixed onto a small note as he tried not to direct his attention to it just so Taehyung wouldn't see it, he only hoped to keep Jungkook's fascination a secret just so Taehyung wouldn't feel like Jimin was in danger at all. As Hoseok tried to play it off like he wasn't looking closely at the note, he began to read it in his head the second his eyes began to make out what it said.

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