Chapter 63: Goodbye, Sapphire Eyes

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     "Oh Jungkook, why couldn't you tell me this sooner?" Jimin asked, moving his head back to look into the eyes of his lover before cupping his face once more. "Even then I would still give you the same answer... it's a lot to process it but I know we would work through this,"

      "I... I didn't... I didn't want to lose you. I was so scared and guilty. I was worried because this has never happened before. Jimin, you changed me..." Jungkook went on and closed his eyes to the delicate touch of Jimin's hand caressing the side of his face. "You've changed me and I've never been happier... I just want to stay here with you forever, My love..."

      "I'm glad I changed you, it's only going to get better from here, okay?" Assured the human, pressing his forehead against Jungkook's and smiling. "Jungkook..."

      "What is it?" the creation asked with a gentle whisper escaping his perfectly sculpted lips that was pressed against the palm of Jimin's hand. "Are you getting cold?"


        "Here, I'll keep you warm," Jungkook mentioned as he pulled back just to remove his own puffy jacket before holding Jimin's hands into his own and keeping them warm. Cupping the small grasps of his lover carefully within his own touch. "You know... I don't need to carry around a jacket, but I do just in case you need it. I normally didn't wear them before but I started to wear them in case you were getting cold," the caring android mentioned as a smile never faded from his charming face.

       "You're so sweet and gentle with me. I can't imagine why they treated you like that, Jungkook... I can understand the danger and the many things you've done before that weren't right, but everyone needs love, all the pain could have been avoided just through this. Yet, you're way better than any other human out there... you don't hide your mistakes forever, you feel the consequences of your actions which most people try to avoid. You're a good creation, Jungkook. Way better than most people in this world."

       "Jimin, you're so loving and kind... I wish I didn't target you before as someone to envy. You're perfect in your own way and-"

      "Don't say things like that, Jungkook. I'm not perfect and I shouldn't be worshipped. If you keep me on a high pedestal, that would only lead you to hate me. We all have our imperfections, Jungkook. I'm no better than anyone else in this world," he went on.

    Jungkook understood well and knew he shouldn't hold Jimin up on a pedestal anymore as someone he strives to be. He wanted to see Jimin as his lover, his partner and his forever. Holding Jimin up as someone he envied before only led him to do manipulative things and stalk him in the comfort of his own home. Jungkook didn't want to go back to behaving that way. He wanted to be normal, accepted and loved just like any other and Jimin was the only one willing to show him a beautiful life just like that.

     With just the sound of the waves crashing against the cold sandy shore and wind blowing through their hair. Jungkook took note of every word Jimin said and leaned in to finally kiss him after confessing the things he was scared to speak about. Jungkook locked lips with his partner, feeling the warmth of his gentle and plump lips now against his. There was nothing in this world Jimin wanted more than this very moment right here. His hands being held within his Android's warm grasps and his lips getting lost in the caress of his partner's love.

       "Jungkook... you won't leave me... right?" Jimin asked in between the warm kiss. "I love you... please don't leave me alone..." his whispers were subtle cries of fear of being alone again. Jungkook knew Jimin didn't want to be neglected by someone he loves and the android understood it completely. But there was nothing in this world that would possess the creation to leave his human. He was already bound to him, needed by him and in love with him.

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