Chapter 38: I'm Onto You

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"Jimin, I have to go now," Jungkook whispered against Jimin's ear, whispering the words that finally caused Jimin to open his eyes again to reunite his gaze with Jungkook's. By now, Jungkook was quick to display the blue hue of his eyes before Jimin could even catch the hint of green within his irises. He was well aware of how to hide many things he deemed as flaws from Park Jimin.

"Kiss me... kiss me before you go, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered, causing Jungkook to doubt anything Jimin said before that made the human seem like he was uncomfortable with how clingy the android became. Jungkook smiled through this as he leaned in and kissed Jimin over his plump lips. Savoring every embrace they shared since Jungkook of course, was in too deep with his attachment and Jimin was slowly starting to realize that.

"Mh... Jimin..." Jungkook hummed in between the kiss as he pulled his lips away, carefully running his hand through Jimin's hair as his blue chilling gaze observed him further. "I don't want to go..."

"You have to, but I'll be waiting for you, okay? Hurry back soon," Jimin mentioned and left Jungkook to smile before getting up from the bed. Saying the words he knew would get Jungkook back home safely to recharge. Any other way, Jungkook would stay longer and allow his energy to deplete until he passed out. That's how difficult it became for Jungkook to take care of his basic needs after his attachment was formed towards Park Jimin. Not even he thought he would become like this.

"Okay," Jungkook replied and the moment he began to walk towards the door, Jimin reached out his hand and held it right after. Causing the android to look back and tilt his head at the subtle grab of his hand. "What is it?"

"I like you, Jungkook... I like you a lot..." Jimin reminded the android softly and looked into Jungkook's eyes despite the color of blue always causing him to look away when the chills never seemed to leave his mind.

"I like you a lot too... even if I said this before, I'll say it again. I like you so much more than what you can comprehend~," Jungkook replied as his eyes slid down to Jimin's hand latching onto his. "Jimin, you're making me stay here longer than I can."

"I just wanted to say it again, Jungkook," Jimin replied and finally let his partner go.

Deep down, Jimin was a little afraid of being alone after Jungkook would always leave him to charge up for the day. It was all because it left him vulnerable to being watched again. However, he did begin to notice the gaze detection that seemed to haunt him before, only occurring when he was completely alone, but the second Jungkook would appear, all those fears and all those worries would just disappear. Leaving Jimin distracted until the moment would return to him again.

By now, Taehyung's eyes just couldn't peel away from the endless observation of sticky notes Jungkook kept against the wall. His eyes quickly scanned and moved onto the next sticky note in seconds until he backed away slowly and began to feel a little concerned now more than curious.

"Jungkook... is very observant, isn't he?" Taehyung asked as Hoseok finally broke away from the journal in his hands before closing it quickly and stuffing it back into the wardrobe. Not even reminding himself to close the wardrobe shut. After reading a few entries, he knew more than he could as he began to shake, hoping to help Taehyung ignore what his system had just read. "I can't even write things down because it requires me to think and I am not programmed to think..."

"Taehyung, I'm sure it's nothing! Let's get out of here," Hoseok assured the android, not aware that taking Taehyung's system and exaggerating it, would only be his downfall in a tight situation like this.

"Is this why you were anxious to come here in the beginning?" Taehyung asked as his eyes latched onto Hoseok, possessing a tremble to his deep voice. "Are you afraid of him?"

Gaze Detection | Jikook |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ