Chapter 72: Nothing More and Nothing Less (FINALE)

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The second Seokjin stepped out of the room, his eyes followed along the small details of the fine wooden floors leading up to Hoseok; still being held back by Taehyung's arms.

"Taehyung, let him go," Seokjin demanded and watched as the android did just that. The second he let the man go, Hoseok quickly stood straight and looked Seokjin in the eyes. Still fighting back every tear he wanted to shed.

"You... you did it, didn't you? You took him apart, didn't you?!" Hoseok cried, oblivious to what just happened behind closed doors. As soon as his voice cracked at that belief, he marched towards Seokjin but before he could put his hands on him, he began to cry and then cling onto him. "How could you?! How could you do this....? We worked so hard on him and all that hard work... was for nothing!"


"DON'T SAY MY NAME, DON'T YOU DARE SAY MY NAME! how could you do this?!" The man continued, pressing his head against Seokjin's shoulders while his hands began to beat against the creator's chest. Yet, no matter how hard he struck him with his hands, he was too weak to hit him as hard as he wanted to.

"Hoseok, I didn't take him apart," Seokjin said with a whisper against the man's ear. Keeping Hoseok in place as he processed those words at once. "I didn't harm him... I'm going to keep him running."

"W-What...?" Hoseok asked. Fixing his teary brown gaze onto the man before him. "What... made you change your mind?"

"The life he lives. I took Jimin and your words into consideration and I've observed his way of life. I went through his memories, his entries and I listened to Jimin. But that doesn't hide the fact that I allowed jealousy and solitude to guide my decision... I almost deactivated him because of those endless days I spent alone after you... left me without a proper goodbye," confessed the man as he looked at Hoseok standing before him. "It took a lot out of me... i just wanted us to be together again that I almost took apart something we worked so hard on... We were a team, Hoseok."

"We were... ah, I feel terrible for doing that to you, Jin.... Remember when I used to call you that?" Asked the man with the gleam in his eyes being mirrored on the gaze of the man before him. "I... I am more than ready to return if you let me... and I am sorry for hurting you."

"I accept your apology and I want you to return. There will never be a moment where I don't choose you. I almost did something stupid and put out our project we worked so hard on... I don't want to think about that now, rather, our next project where... we can give the same attention to our new androids," Seokjin continued with a smile as he looked over at Yoongi and then at Taehyung. "They can still be harmless to the living, we don't need another unpredictable android like Jungkook, rather, one that's more aware when it comes to love and many things underneath it. Jungkook is a good blueprint for that and we can... start teaching them love in such an early stage into their run. They will be more like humans now and we should treat them as such."

"If it's another project for us both, I'm with you all the way," Hoseok said with a smile and hugged the man before him. "I missed you... I'm so happy you chose to keep him... maybe in time we can develop him further, he can grow old with Jimin too. Jungkook still needs work though..."

"Well, I guess there's more projects for us to focus on. We have forever now, don't we?" Seokjin asked with a smile and continued to hug his right-hand man in return.

"We do..."

"I have many questions about what went down in that room..." Yoongi interrupted with a confused look on his face.

"I'm curious too..." Taehyung added on as Seokjin only smiled and let out a chuckle.

"Let's not overwork your systems with all the details. You two need an update along with the rest of your fellow androids." Concluded the man as he broke away from the hug and kept a smile on his face, finally letting go of the solitude that overcame him before. Deep down, he was glad to know that those lonely days wouldn't keep him drowning at the bottom of the lonely sea anymore.

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