Chapter 33: Are you Curious?

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   Hoseok didn't know if he could answer that question without fearing the consequences. The older man knew it was possible that Taehyung would catch onto how anxious he became and constantly ask until his question was answered. There was no way around it unless Hoseok would find it in him to lie to the creation. But on the other hand, he almost wanted Kim Taehyung to know just so he could be protected in case one day, Jungkook would just snap.

      It was no secret that Jungkook was different compared to other creations. Of course, Hoseok was well aware of the creation's past and knew him like the back of his hand. Yet, he felt safer with another creation that didn't possess the flaws Jungkook had. The fear Hoseok always had towards Jeon Jungkook was so true, he never felt safe around the one he grew fond of. On the other hand, he pitied Jungkook because at the end of the day, he was the reason why Jungkook behaved and reacted to many things this way.

      "Hoseok," Taehyung called out to him again, bringing the human back from his deep thoughts. "What's wrong?"

      "It's nothing..." Hoseok mentioned and pulled his hand away from the door knob. "I'm just... overreacting..."

       "You can't get anxious about nothing. Talk to me, Hoseok. I need to know," Taehyung insisted and finally sat up from the couch as he looked over at Hoseok, finally breaking away from the door and approaching the living room. "What's in that room? It can't be anything life threatening."

     "That's the thing, I don't know what lies beyond that door. I don't know if it's life threatening to me or to someone else," the human mentioned and let out a sigh right after. "Maybe I can check... but that scares me too much..."

      Again, Taehyung didn't know how to understand the situation. All he knew was that his sensors picked up how nervous Hoseok became when all thoughts led to the door and when he began to speak to the human, he paced away from the fears that kept his heart racing. So, Taehyung believed that steering Hoseok's attention away from the room in general was helpful enough. Yet, it wasn't beneficial to the human's issues.

       "Maybe you should leave it alone, if it scares you too much, maybe you shouldn't check."

        "But if I don't, I wouldn't know if he's using my micro cameras to do bad things!" Hoseok suddenly confessed and instantly silenced himself and looked away.

       "He... do you mean, Jungkook? What bad could he be doing?" Taehyung curiously asked and stepped up to where Hoseok stood. "He's another android, he can't have malicious intentions... if he does, I'll have no other choice but to report him as a defect in order to protect Park Jimin."

      "Yeah... of... of course..." Hoseok agreed. Again, the side of him that always served as a parental figure towards Jungkook, wanted to change the conversation in order to keep the creation safe and unknown by any other android made by the same hands. Hoseok just knew he couldn't trust Taehyung enough to give him everything he longed to know.

      "I wish I could understand more of how you feel... but I don't. I feel like that's my flaw along with other creations, I will hear you but never listen to your problems because I can't understand it at all. I don't understand what makes you nervous about this android, is he a threat? Are you afraid of him?"

       Hoseok didn't know how to answer that question. He knew if he was to tell the truth and agree, he would have to tell Taehyung why Jungkook was something that always tended to strike fear into the human's heart and why he longed to find the micro cameras in order to make sure Jungkook had no way of hurting Park Jimin. He was at crossroads with himself and could only stand there and wonder what to say next to the innocent android by his side.

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