Chapter 20: You Don't Scare Me

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     When Jimin explained to Taehyung about how much Jungkook meant to him, something felt different. His eyes never moved on from that special spot on the bed and his face never returned to the usual pale tone. His heart raced at the idea of keeping the android in his head, yet, he became so scared to continue thinking of him this way, in which, he knew it all too well.

       "The way you explain it... sounds familiar," Taehyung added and watched how Jimin slowly pulled his gaze away from that special spot on the bed before looking into his emotionless eyes.


       "You've felt this way before... I remember it all so clearly now. You cared about him... you loved him... just as much as you care about Jungkook now.."

       Jimin knew exactly who Taehyung meant in those words and instantly began to feel a sharp tip of a knife stab him where his heart ached from the past. Jimin only wanted to move on but doing so was far too difficult and far too unobtainable at the moment.

      "What about it?" Jimin asked and slowly began to raise the tone to his voice. "Can't you see that Yoongi isn't here anymore for me to love him? He's never coming back to me... of course I'm going to move on! This is what it is... and this is how life is when someone leaves, it keeps going. Yes, my heart aches at the thought of him... but then it heals at the sound of Jungkook's voice. I can't control how I feel... but I know what it means when I'm slowly accepting what happened."

      "Are you.. sure you aren't falling for Jungkook as a distraction or a replacement? Some humans tend to get over issues by replacing things or even distracting themselves. Maybe you see so much of Yoongi in Jungkook, that your mind attaches itself to the idea of him. That could explain how close you've become to him in a matter of hours," Taehyung stated and watched a tear race down Jimin's face right after. "Am I wrong?"

      Jimin didn't like this at all. He didn't like how cold Taehyung became when his personality was not displayed. Jimin understood that Taehyung was emotionless since the high ultrasound only knocked out his outgoing and happy personality. Now, he was bland and his words carried darts on them in which Jimin became the target.

     "Tell me I'm right," Taehyung continued with the blank stare he kept on Jimin. At that moment, Jimin never knew how much he missed the old Taehyung even if he tended to gloss over situations all the time. Taehyung was different now, but more aware and that left his words unfiltered when it came to Jimin and his growing feelings.

     "You don't know what you're saying... g-go get yourself checked, you're not helping!" Jimin lashed out and continued to dry his own tears desperately. "You can't say that I'm replacing Yoongi with Jungkook, it's impossible!"

      "It's not impossible because you are doing it right now. I've noticed how you've become too dependent on Jeon Jungkook just like the way you depended on Min Yoongi. Its history and it's repeating itself. You must learn to detach yourself from the past, and learn to be independent."

      "What are you talking about, I am independent!" Jimin cried and kept his teary gaze locked onto the android, which he found too difficult to do when his eyes only filled up with tears to the point where his gaze became blurred.

      "No, you are not. If you were, you would sleep in your own room without another creation here to help you. You would report the feeling you've been having, you would stand up for yourself and you wouldn't mind that Jungkook would leave you alone and you wouldn't ask me to stay with you instead. You've been locked up in this house because you're scared to go outside, an independent man would get out of this house and do something with his life instead of hiding from the world. You can't rely on creations to give you everything."

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