Chapter 72: Nothing More and Nothing Less (FINALE)

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At the same time, Jimin had already pulled up a chair by Jungkook as he awaited for his partner to turn on again. For a few seconds out of that hour he waited, he felt silly being so attached to something that wasn't real, but when he looked back at the long journey he traveled with his Jungkook, he noticed that he wasn't just a thing anyone can purchase. Jungkook was a creation far greater than an object. He was his own human in a special way; able to talk and think so freely, Jimin was eager to hear his voice again, yet he sat there and listened to his system load once again.

"To think... they could have taken you from me..." Jimin whispered to himself as he held Jungkook's hands and pressed his head down against it carefully. "I wonder... if I wasn't here, would Seokjin take you away forever and I wouldn't hear from you again? It's so scary to think about it..." Jimin whispered and tried his best not to tear up at the idea, yet, the fear that surrounded him before still lingered as if it traumatized him. "I don't want to think about it..."

As he waited there, he could hear the living room grow silent as he became the only one in the house. Now, he imagined Seokjin and Hoseok leaving with the two androids to the department just to get back to working on something greater. Which left Jimin alone with his thoughts while he awaited for Jungkook to power up once again.

"What's taking you so long? Are you okay? Maybe... maybe you need to charge... is that it? I... Ah, I don't want to rush anything. Seokjin reconnected one of your wires so maybe that could be it..." Jimin whispered as his eyes traced every detail to Jungkook's chiseled face. "I'll... I'll bring your charging station! Wait... it can be too heavy but, when you wake up you'll need charge, right? Ah... I'll wait... he must have charged you or something..." Jimin continued and kept the room from drowning in silence as he waited.

"Jeon Jungkook..." Jimin whispered. Carefully running his hand along his and pressing his head back against the artificial skin of his lover's. "Please remember me when you wake up..."

While Jimin kept his head pressed against Jungkook's hand he cupped both his grasps, he didn't realize that Jungkook's eyes lit up as he was powering on. The blue loading circles filled his gaze until it jumped from 50% to 100% in seconds all while Jimin was still unaware.

Jungkook batted his eyes open until he was finally aware of everything now. His eyes darted around the bright ceiling lights and his artificial heart and breathing was restored the second he gained consciousness. Everything was clear to him now as his eyes scattered along the room until they settled on Jimin resting his head against his hand carefully.

The android no longer questioned anything as a smile appeared over his face while he raised his other hand that was resting by his side. He didn't want to question anything when his answer was sitting right by him. Suddenly, Jimin felt the gentle caress of his Android's hand guide along the soft locks of his silk hair and finally fall along the side of his face.

"Jungkook...." Jimin whispered almost excitedly. Just then, he raised his head up the second Jungkook's hand slid down to his chin, pointing his face up to look him in those blue eyes of his once again.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook's soft voice called to him with a smile as Jimin couldn't help but to tear up to those familiar words he recalled being said the second he first met his lover. It was such a small moment but to him, it meant everything.

"Jungkook, of course I am!" Jimin said happily as he threw himself into the Android's arms and listened to his sweet laughter that dried his tears. "I was so worried! I thought they were going to take you away from me! I didn't know what to do I was helpless and-"

"My love, no one is going to take me from you," Jungkook whispered as he brought Jimin's face up towards his in seconds. "Don't reminisce on it, just know that I'm here now and I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. For that we should be grateful."

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