Chapter 71: At Ease

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"I knew he was the clingy type... he mentioned something like that before."

"Oh, but he was insane about it! He loved to observe Namjoon and any android that dared to talk to him, he would dismantle them in seconds! His jealousy was horrifying. When Jungkook had a human he was so into, he would stop at nothing to get to them and learn so much more from the way they lived. I realized that he was dangerous when he began to get aggressive each time we told him Namjoon was already in a relationship at the time. He took down so many androids, I was pushing the idea to Hoseok that we would have to deactivate him soon but Hoseok refused! It wasn't until Jungkook harmed Namjoon that I decided to pull the plug on this project, but the way Jungkook cried and begged to be better, was what manipulated Hoseok into pitying him. Jungkook was able to manipulate Hoseok in that very second with those green eyes of his bleeding through the sparks of every tear he shed."

Jimin watched the way Seokjin gazed at Jungkook. It was a melancholic stare that left Jimin observing the way Seokjin's smile faded the second he touched on the time Hoseok left him for Jungkook.

"Hoseok... told me he was going away for a while, that he wasn't feeling well and wanted to take some time off after Jungkook was deactivated. Hoseok was so close to that creation, he was more like a father to him, but it was a strict father and son relationship where his love was tough and Jungkook tried so hard to please him by adapting and behaving so close to a human. It just wasn't enough at the time. I assumed Hoseok was broken and he needed time to grieve after Jungkook was taken apart but I just didn't know that Hoseok... left with Jungkook and abandoned me. It wasn't so easy after that. Do you know how it feels to fight so hard for something that once you have it, it doesn't belong to you whatsoever?"

"In a way... yes.." Jimin responded with a sigh. "Love was something like that for me... it has been a long and difficult ride but I know now... that I was able to have love in my hands for as long as I could. Only this time, it's resting in the palms of your hands now. Even if you decide what to do next, I hope you weighed your options..."

"I've weighed them... I took Hoseok's words into consideration and now I... realize that if I placed myself in your shoes, it is all the same. You and I both know loneliness at some point in our lives and how much harm solitude could cause. It's true, no one came to save me... but now that I have control to decide if I want to live down that route or change for the better, I know my answer."

Seokjin took another second to watch Jimin's eyes tremble. He had no idea what was coming next and fear engulfed him in a matter of seconds. Only now was he left to question what Seokjin meant by that. He watched the creator rise up from his chair and fix his glasses before approaching Jungkook. Even if Jimin didn't know what was going to happen next, he couldn't help but to become hysterical once again.

"Please... please, Seokjin!" Jimin found himself begging. Before, he was too distracted by Seokjin to even come to terms on what would happen, he didn't seem to wake up until now when he recalled the life or death situation Jungkook was out under now. Helplessly, Jimin watched as Yoongi only looked down at Jimin and back onto Seokjin once again. Not even knowing the decision Seokjin chose.

There, Seokjin pulled a chair right by Jungkook and took out a few instruments within the drawer of the surgical desk. As soon as he held onto a sharp tweezer in one hand and a nozzle to a blowtorch in the other, he picked at a cable of Jungkook's as Jimin was forced to watch and wonder if he was taking him apart or looking into his own heart to save Jimin from endless pain that was coming towards him.

"You know Jimin...." Seokjin spoke as he stood in the way Jimin locked his gaze towards just so he wouldn't see what came next. This alone caused Jimin to shake through his own tears.

"Please, Seokjin... don't do this..."

"I really liked Jungkook... he was different... and even if he was the cause of my loneliness, I feel like in a way, we could have had more time together to bond. I just wish I could have been gentle to him much sooner. But if that was the case, I wonder what would be the outcome now? Would it be the opposite?" Seokjin asked as sparks began to emit from Jungkook's compartment. "Hoseok left me out of his own choice because he believed Jungkook was worth throwing me away like I was nothing. In a sense, I am the one taking your happiness away and it's up to me to decide if I want you to be left alone in solitude or to love freely and become happy despite all the stress you are being put through now."

"SEOKJIN, PLEASE!" Jimin begged louder as he choked on his own tears. "I CAN CHANGE HIM AND MAKE HIM SO MUCH BETTER IF YOU-"

"Jimin, the only thing I won't allow is... myself to be reflected onto you. I wouldn't want you to go through the hell I went through. The anger, the jealousy and the hate I felt towards Jungkook for pulling me away from the only person I wanted to be around. I don't want you to resent me, you're a beautiful soul inside and out, I just wish I could have been the one for Jungkook like that but now I know, he won't need me... he will need you and only you."

"W-What... what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you and only you are the one for this creation. I would hate to live to see the day I become the reason why another hates and hides in solitude, deprived of the love he had for another. I wouldn't want to see you that way. You're a perfect person for Jeon Jungkook, I won't take him from you. I know if I was in your shoes, I wouldn't want him to be taken from me too."

As Seokjin said those words he finally pulled away after a few more sparks emitted from Jungkook's wires. He sealed the cut wires back together, unplugged Jungkook from the PC far from him and finally closed the compartment. The second Jimin watched Seokjin step back and see that Jungkook was no longer attached to the PC, he was speechless and tears never failed to fall from his eyes.

"Yoongi, let him go. We should give these two some privacy," Seokjin mentioned as Yoongi released Jimin in seconds. Watching the boy quickly run to his android abruptly. "Jimin, you're a smart boy, please don't make me regret this."

"Thank you, Seokjin!" Jimin sputtered through his tears and watched as the two left him alone in the room. There he stood, standing by his lover and holding his hand within his despite the size difference as he longed to see Jungkook once again after such a scare. He waited for Jungkook to turn on by himself now and of course, he didn't mind waiting now that he knew his lover will be alright. Jimin was able to get through the persistent creator and now, his heart was at ease.

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