
"I'm done with the pond. Is there anything else you would like for me to do before I steal my wife back?" Zhao Yunlan asks the guardian with quirk of his eyebrow. The guardian just humps at him, her dislike for being interrupt is clear as day to Yunlan, before inspecting her pond.

*chuckling* "Ready my love?" Zhao Yunlan asks sweetly.

"Yes! Daddy already made us wait long enough." Shen Wei said to his child while jumping into Yunlan's open embrace.

"Daddy has duty to carryout, mommy shouldn't blame daddy," Yunlan teases back while carrying his giggling koala back.

The guardian could only fondly shake her head while seeing the cute scene.

Kids. She thinks, fondly.


"For the love of g- Can you stop pacing like demon chasing your tail?" Chu demands.

"Ahah! Very funny." Yezun replies and continues his frantic pacing.

"Darling, what is bothering you?" Da Qing asks.

"I can't sense the mountain anymore." Yezun admits, sadly.

"We all knew this. Why the pacing?" Chu asks, feeling his eyes aching.

"Because if I don't sense the mountain, how will I sense my beloved nephew, zombie?!" Yezun argues.

" Arg!!!! Any deity out there, please save my sanity." Chu grumpily whispers making Da Qing chuckle.

"Come here, A-Zun." Da Qing coaxes while pointing toward the empty space beside him. Reluctantly, Yezun follows his kitten's command and flops down beside him.

"Good gracious, I can't handle any of this." Chu finalizes before leaving the couple behind.

"Yezun, tell me. Who was it that recommended our Shen Wei to hide out?"

"Everyone." Yezun deadpan.

"Hmm, yes, everyone agreed. But why?"

"For his safety, for his happiness, or his future." Yezun solemnly replies, he still shivers when he thinks about the history of how the couple's past went.

"Of course, we all want that for both of them. Now, tell me who was it that recommended for them to hide out in Kunlan Mountain?" Da Qing persuades further as if he didn't know all this information.




"Hmm. That you did. Now, when the guardian agreed to protect them under her conditions, did you agree?"

"Sort of and only because it is her domain!" Yezun grumpily argues.

"*Chuckling* That is true. I have not seen anyone beside her win at staring down with GhostFace." Da Qing excitedly muses making Yezun pouts.

"That's not true... and you know that."

"Hahaha, darling, me and Wei-di never treat you as GhostFace that other fears. We treat you as family, as husband and as an uncle, as our family. That is different." Da Qing clarifies. Yezun wants to argue that he is wrong but kept his mouth shut because when Da Qing points it out like that, he does feel good and special. After all, he never had to pretend to be a power figure, nor did he have to be wary of being hurt for being himself.

"Oh, Leader is not pacing anymore!" Guo notes when he enters the house making the other two startle.

"Hello Guo-di. Welcome back." Da Qing greets softly.

"Dead zombie doesn't know how to keep his shout shut, does he?" Yezun grumbles.


Hell's Archives

"Big beauty, any luck?" Little Angel asks.

"Not sure?" Little Devil reply still reading the content of the book intently.

"Meaning, my love?" Little Angel inquires, having already bored himself to the max in the library. Definitely not his preferred location but he kind of has to.

"I found this ancient spell that says it can sense its victim's intension and apparently the spell draws strength from negative or dark intention. Which means that the victim's own energy keeps them trapped for eternity. This spell is tricky and it's difficult for the caster to successfully complete it. There is no successful case reported thus far." Little Devil explains making little Angel perk up with interest.

"Are there details on how to cast it?" Little Angel asks.

"No, just theory and there is no mention of who came up with it either." Little Devil sighs.

"Why are you hang on this spell then, my love?"

"I don't know. I find the end result interesting if it is able to be cast correctly. It said once the spell is cast correctly, no-one can undo it unless they can travel back in time to avoid being cast in the beginning."

"Hmm, I can see why you are intrigued by it. If this archangel is as dark as we have heard, this spell would be the best one. Damn it! Why is there no information on how to cast it?!" Little Angel is frustrated, making little Devil tiredly sigh because he also agrees.

"Should we ask GhostFace? He can consult that book of his" Little Angel wonders out loud.

"I don't see why not. Not like we can stare hole into this book and hope solution to pop ups." Little Devil assent before starting to put away everything so they can go back to Haixing.

Little Angel and little Devil stayed back with others to avoid suspicion since their enemy already knows that familiar and their master remain close to each other. That was another difficult conversation Shen Wei fought hard against because he still can't forget how close he came to losing little Devil.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, at the end Shen Wei agreed with the term but if either little Angel or little Devil feels they are in danger, they are to return to their master at once. Yup! Shen Wei used his master order so they can't disobey it. Others can't really do anything about it because it's the only thing that Shen Wei wanted when others are expecting a lot out of him. 


A/N: Please Enjoy new update~

P.S. I'm still editing previous chapters. I didn't finished it like I wanted to.

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