These eyes that can't see

661 31 4

"Excuse me..."

Dazai turns to the side, acknowledging the hunched individual that has sunglasses propped on his small nose.

"Yes?" He asks, quizzically peering down at the other. Trying to determine the reason why this kid stopped him in front of his classroom.

Pale fingers twiddle atop an abdomen, "Is this class 3-A?" The boy asks, still keeping his face pointed downwards.

Dazai glances at the wooden door, "It is." He states simply.

The other momentarily brightens up, "T-thank you."

Dazai side steps to allow the other to enter the class. When the boy doesn't, Dazai impatiently taps his foot. The boy's pale eyebrows shoot upward, ears shifting because of the noise.

"Well?" Dazai huffs.


"Aren't you going in?" Dazai points at the door, opting to just storm in by himself.

The boy fumbles with his school uniform, "A-ah, yes but..." He promptly trails off, lips smushing together as he starts to tremble.

Dazai bites the inside of his cheek, "This is infuriating, move." He pushes the other out the way, causing him to stumble and trip onto the ground. Sunglasses land roughly on the pavement, one of the lens' crack upon impact.

The boy does a sharp intake of breath, hands shooting out to pat along the ground. Dazai pauses, he hadn't meant to push the other so harshly.

"I-I'm sorry, I just..." The boy stutters out, taking hold of his sunglasses and placing them hurriedly on his face. Looking back up to Dazai for a moment.

The brunette startles backward when catching sight of the fading color of purple and yellow on those irises. His back hits the crème colored wall and it alerts the other.

"Y-you're.... your eyes." Dazai sputters, wincing at how menacing his words sound to his own ears.

The boy frowns, lip starting to wobble, "I'm blind not deaf. Please don't comment, I'm had to see...such..." He trails off, hands coming to block his eyes from Dazai's sight.

Shaking himself from his stupor, Dazai reaches out to tentatively pat the others shoulder. He flinches away from the touch and Dazai mumbles an apology.

"I'm going to take off your sunglasses ok?" Dazai warns before doing the action. He drops lower and takes hold of the shattered lens, fixing it in place and popping it back into its frame.

He softly places them on the others face, "There you are....what's your name?" Dazai asks.

The boy taps his glasses to fix them snuggly on his nose, "I'm Atsushi. You?"

"Dazai." He states simply.



The aforementioned tilts his head towards the voice.

"Why would you allow them to pick at you?" Dazai demands, sitting himself down next to his friend. The bench creaks under their combined weight, as it always does since the beginning.

Atsushi shrugs, casting his face down, hunching his shoulders up to his ears in a protected shell. Dazai soon realized Atsushi does this to avoid a lecture. His logic of not able to see or hear Dazai means that Atsushi can escape any reprimands.

He sighs, wiggling his tanned finger where hints of a pale neck peek out. A little giggle breaks away from Atsushi's lips. Dazai does the motion once more before relenting.

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