Chapter 66: A Final Tear Drop

Start from the beginning

"Sir... this isn't safe," Taehyung whispered to his creator only to have Seokjin look his way with a smile before leaning in to whisper a demand to him.

"Kim Taehyung, on my call, you will follow my demand. Follow the demand your creator calls for when I say, 'hold Hoseok back and do not let go,' do you understand?" He whispered and by there, Taehyung's eyes went still and all he could do was nod his head and look forward. Being told the demand prior to what was about to happen.

"Jungkook, you're with Jimin now, there's no way Yoongi can take him from you, no one will take him from you!" Hoseok continued and placed his hand over Jungkook's shoulder. "Park Jimin is yours and he will always be yours! No one will-"

Suddenly, Jungkook turned around and grabbed Hoseok by the wrist almost instantly. His eyes glared into the human's soul with the crimson hue radiating through his pupils. Just at that second, Yoongi stepped a little closer and raised his index and middle finger together slowly.

"Don't... don't you dare talk like that as if I'm not going to lose my life right now! So if I lose right now, Yoongi will take Jimin from me and I will no longer exist, right? I can't believe you..." Jungkook hissed as his grip tightened around Hoseok's wrist. "Instead of fixing me... you turned me in, and your words of 'I love you' never meant the true meaning... Why did you keep me?"

"J-Jungkook.... Please, don't do this-ah," Hoseok hissed as the grip around his wrist continued to tighten. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't love you then, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you and tell you that you were perfect just the way you were! Ah... I hate... I hate that I've done this to you, but I know for sure you're perfect just the way that you are now! I-"

"You don't mean that... I don't believe you..." Jungkook hissed as he slowly began to bend Hoseok's wrist backwards so he could torture him. With every second that went into this, Yoongi was no longer blocking the door. "Now, I won't see Jimin ever again because I'm just n-not... not good enough to even stay alive," he said with a glitch to his voice. Signifying that he was running out of energy now.

"JUNGKOOK, PLEASE STOP!" Hoseok cried as the android didn't dare to stop now, leaving Taehyung to step forward, but only then, Seokjin placed his hand before him to stop the android in place.

"Now... Jimin is going to love someone other than me... he's going to live his life as if I never existed, I will become Yoongi to him and he will find someone else to love and move onto... maybe then will he stop thinking of me... all because you've doomed me from the very be-beginning..." The voice to the android now began to cut in and out. His eyes shifted from many colors as it glitched but his hands still moved forward to slowly break Hoseok's wrist. "What's... WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME? I WILL DIE AND NO ONE WILL CARE? WILL YOU EVEN CARE NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME?! Am I.... Am I... not good enough to be r-remembered too?"

"J-Jungkook! Please, you're hurting me..."

"Good... if this is the last thing I ever do, I want you to know that this pain will always be a part of you... you failed me... and now... I will never get the life I.... The life I-I dreamt of... I won't have Jimin... I will never have Jimin. Now you know my pain..."

Just as Hoseok looked into the eyes of the android he had always loved but never enough to save him, he noticed that Yoongi was no longer blocking the door, he was standing directly behind Jungkook with his two fingers raised that became a knife that was built into his hand.

"YOONGI, STOP!" Hoseok suddenly shouted as Jungkook quickly released Hoseok's wrist and turned around to stop Yoongi by holding him by the wrists. He was swift, but his energy was only depleting now and that was going to hurt him now in the long run.

"Taehyung, hold Hoseok back and do not let go," Seokjin demanded and in that second, Taehyung followed the orders of the creator before holding Hoseok back before he could try to stop this. This only left the human to scream and kick trying to break free from Taehyung's tight grasp.


"And allow him to break someone else's wrist like nothing? Just the idea of him being deprived of his life shows how greedy he could be to the point where he longs to harm before getting his wire cut," the older man mentioned with a glare as he stepped forward to see Yoongi beginning to overpower Jungkook now. "You're running out of energy, Jungkook, you won't be able to put up a fight for that long... you have to give in now... maybe this is the best for you and maybe this is truly the best for Jimin..."

"Y-You... you don't know what you're talking about!" Jungkook hissed, never peeling his gaze away from Yoongi's blue eyes. Just as he continued to use all of his force to push Yoongi off, he only found himself stepping back and struggling to stand his ground. He was losing and getting weaker by the second.

Seokjin paced around the two as Yoongi carried a plain look on his face, he was now serious and not acknowledged in the conversation. An emotionless creation that was incapable of loving the way he could, his story was just as sad as Jungkook's now and the creation began to see it unfold before him as he tried to fight for his life. The sight of Yoongi in front of him left the android to feel a little lost now. Yoongi once loved Jimin, longed to be human enough to understand and that alone left him to lose the one he loved and the beautiful memories along with it. In a way, the two were just the same, the only difference was that Jungkook had Jimin now, but he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to kiss him in the morning. Maybe one day Yoongi thought the same, that he was going to stay with Jimin forever, until it was taken from him in seconds.

"Jimin can't keep loving another android... especially an android that only longs to be human. Doesn't he deserve someone who can understand him? You don't understand him..."

"I d-do!" Jungkook cried and just then tears began to slide down his eyes and cause sparks to emit from his gaze. "I-I... I can... I can feel what he feels! I'm just like... just like him... he loves me the way that I am! He loves me... for me!" He continued but was slowly getting pushed back by the android that mirrored his story.

"I doubt it... you don't show any signs of change. Maybe only for him, but not for yourself. You didn't fail him, you've only failed yourself as a creation. You've had a good run," Seokjin concluded before petting Jungkook on the head and gaining his attention in order to distract him. Just when Jungkook looked away from Yoongi and glued his tearing gaze onto his maker, Seokjin made a smile and tilted his head. "You've had a good run..."

"SEOKJIN, NO! T-TAEHYUNG, LET ME GO!" Cried Hoseok, continuing to put up a fight but Taehyung just couldn't let go. He was under the creators demand and no matter how much he wanted to let go, he couldn't disobey.

"I cannot... I'm sorry, Hoseok..." Taehyung whispered and kept his eyes latched forward.

Suddenly, Seokjin snapped his finger and paced away as Yoongi quickly overpowered the weak android and apprehended Jungkook against the floor, having Jungkook lay onto the ground facing down as his hands were placed behind his back with only Yoongi holding down the wrists with one grip.

"NO, P-PLEASE, I'LL BE GOOD ENOUGH, I CAN BE HUMAN ENOUGH, SEOKJIN, PLEASE!" Jungkook cried as his head only pointed towards Seokjin and the sparks continued to emit painful shocks from his eyes. "Please, Seokjin, don't take me away from.... from..."

Instantly, Yoongi opened the compartment to Jungkook's system. In seconds he found the blue wire he was coded to cut in case of a time he needed to protect humans from an android out of control. All androids were programmed to know about this, Jungkook however, was made differently, so he knew nothing about cutting wires just like this.

Right there, a cut could be heard before Jungkook let out a softer whisper afterwards. Instantly becoming weak as his body began to shut down abruptly. "-My Jimin..."

"JUNGKOOK!" Hoseok gasped, no longer kicking and only staring at the android in tears as he began to shake in Taehyung's arms.

As Jungkook laid there, a final tear drop fled from his eyes before the light of his eyes shut off. Leaving the balls of his gaze to dissolve into darkness before his shoulders exhaled once more. With a tear escaping his eyes and falling onto the ground inches before his face, his eyelids finally drew shut at the very end of it all, leaving him motionless over the ground afterwards.

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