trente-neuf| epilogue

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- 8 years later -

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- 8 years later -

I was laying in bed, my beautiful wife in my arms as we basked in the sunlight that shines through the window of our bedroom.

Yes, my wife.

Amelia and I got married two years after everything that happened with the Irish's. Lucas was my best man while Lilith was Amelia's maid of honour.

We had a relatively small ceremony, keeping it to close friends and family. It was perfect since we didn't want a big reception with millions of people we barely knew.

For our honeymoon, I took her to Spain. We met with some of my relatives - my cousin Tiago kept flirting with her just to piss me off. Before we travelled across all of Europe.

We played tourist, taking pictures everywhere and even going to the point of wearing a fanny pack. Lucas made fun of me for a full month because of it, but I didn't care.

A year after our wedding, Amelia and I had kids. Twin boys, to be exact.

James and Liam Cortese.

Despite being twins, James looked like me and Liam looked like Amelia. Though they are both mommy's boy, which I totally agree with.

Even I'm obsessed with their mom.

When the boys were three, they wanted a dog. Amelia and I had gotten over the deaths of our respective dogs, and agreed to get a new one.

A few weeks later we welcome Rocky, a beautiful Rottweiler, into our home.

The boys immediately took a liking in him, and he too was obsessed with Amelia

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The boys immediately took a liking in him, and he too was obsessed with Amelia.

Sometimes I wonder if I even helped created the twins, since they're so attached to their mother.

Anyways, Lilith and Wolf's kid was now eight years old. She was growing faster then ever, and she's wicked smart. Probably the smartest kid I've ever know, after my own. Duhh.

Lucas and Storm got engaged, they're waiting to get approved by the adoption centre to start their little family. I never pinned Lucas as the family type, since he used to hate babysitting Henry and Juliet with me.

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