trente| fake plants

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I'm finally getting out of this goddamn shit hole

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I'm finally getting out of this goddamn shit hole. I feel like I've been trapped inside of an animal cage for the past three days.

My brothers, along with Damien, Lucas and Lilith, have been by my side. Especially Damien. He's been bringing me food - because let's be real, hospital food sucks.

"I'm going to miss your raccoon looking ass."

"Dittos, Sebby." I said with a smirk as he groaned at the nickname. He hates it. Only his mom gets to call him that, though I also get a free pass.

As soon as I finished signing the last of paperwork, my brothers gathered inside of the room looking scarier then usual.

"I'm sorry to ask but are you in the mafia? What the fuck?" Sebastian whispered which made me chuckle.

I mean, they did look like they were in the mafia. Wolf, Dagger, Gunner and Storm were all dressed in black - from head to toe - and had their guns on them.

Also did they work out recently? It seems like they're getting buffer by the second.

I didn't answer him which made his eyes go wide in fear

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I didn't answer him which made his eyes go wide in fear. I like teasing him. It's so easy.

"No we're not." Dagger said before motioning for me to follow him out of the room.

Though his eyes did linger on Sebastian a second longer then they should.

Mhmm, they would make a cute couple.

"Bye Sebby!"

"Bye Bels."

We all walked out of the hospital, but not before Sebastian slipped his number in Dagger's coat jacket.

I know Wolf saw it too but he didn't comment on it. Neither did I. We know better then to tease Dagger about shit like that.

His name is literally Dagger because he's a pro with knives. It's crazy, honestly.

"Where's D?"

"In the car. Lucas is with him." Storm stated while glaring at a man who was eyeing me up and down. I fucking hate men.

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