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Saint practically jumped on top of me when he realized we were heading towards the dog park

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Saint practically jumped on top of me when he realized we were heading towards the dog park. We've been going to that park since he was a puppy and he's made quite a few friends there. Though the park is pretty exclusive, only a few CEO's and high end people attend it.

"Saint! Slow down!" I said as my boy tugged on his leash with such force it almost sent me stumbling forward. Did me scowling him stop him? No. Of course not. Why would Saint listen to me?

"Saint. Heel." I told him in a stern voice as my Cane Corso immediately stopped walking. My boy whined before taking a seat next to my foot. Even when he's excited, he still listens to my commands when I use my mom voice. At least that's how Storm calls it.

When we finally reached the park, after Saint had calmed down, I let go of his leash before sitting on a bench nearby.

My boy, who's pretty massive, usually scared new comers until they realize that he's a sweetheart. Pulling out my phone, I started answering some emails from my most recent assignment.

I had been asked to guard the entrance of a club, it payed good money and I got to use my fighting skills when drunk men would try to hit on me. Also, I had a resting bitch face. No one dared to mess with me. Except some girl who thought she could get me to crack a smile if she flashed me. She had a nice body, not going to lie, but definitely not my type of women.

As far as sexuality goes, I don't like to label myself but if someone asks, I'll say I'm bisexual. Anyways, this is so not the point.

After awhile of answering emails, Saint ran up to me with a stick in his mouth.

"You want to play catch?" I asked as he dropped the stick on my lap. Chuckling, I threw it as far as I could while my boy began running. He's adorable.

We played for a couple of more minutes before a man approached me. His golden retriever following closely behind him.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" He asked as I motioned for him to sit while Saint lowly growled at the man

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"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" He asked as I motioned for him to sit while Saint lowly growled at the man. Scratching his head, I whispered some few words in his ear as he placed his head on my lap.

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