douze| party

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A/N: i just realized i made damien spanish instead of italian. fucking hell. anyways, damien is now spanish because of his mom and italian because of his dad. CASE CLOSE.

Sunday came by faster then expected, which meant I was gonna have to introduce Amelia to my family

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Sunday came by faster then expected, which meant I was gonna have to introduce Amelia to my family. Dad had his personal chauffeur drive us to aunt Lina's house - who's my mom's sister. Amelia's wearing a white flowy dress with her black Dr Martens. She told me I got to pick out her outfit since I knew what my family found acceptable - we had a whole debate on how it shouldn't matter what they think and that she should dress however she wants.

She got the last word, obviously, because she cheated. She knows that calling me names and praising me turn me into a flustered mess, yet she still does it. She asked me to be a good boy for her and just pick her outfit. I couldn't even form a full sentence without stuttering!

Gosh, I really am a mess when she's around.

The dress was kind of short, exposing most of her thighs when she sat down which made it very hard for him to stand down

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The dress was kind of short, exposing most of her thighs when she sat down which made it very hard for him to stand down. I just hope she doesn't see the tent in my pants.

"So, you never did tell me what you bought for Henry." She said while hanging up with her older brother - well, one of them.

"That's a surprise but it's Marvel related." I told her as she playfully rolled her eyes. Saint was laying at her feet, his huge body would've taken all the car if we weren't in some type of limousine. I told my dad that it was way too extravagant but he ignore me - of course.

At first she wasn't sure if we should bring Saint, she said since it was my family she didn't want to intrude. But, I told her it was fine and if they had a problem they'd have to go through me - but not really because aunt Lina is as scary as my mom when she gets mad.

"C'mon, love. I just want to know."

"I got him a Spider-Man costume."

"Shut the actual fuck up!" Amelia practically shouted while slapping a hand over her mouth. Her cheeks immediately turned red as she tried to hide her blush.

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