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When I first got the assignment, I was in shock

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When I first got the assignment, I was in shock. I never knew Alejandro had a son, let alone a family. He made sure to keep them hidden because even Gunner didn't know about them until Alejandro called him. The two of them are good friends from college. Well, Alejandro was a teacher and Gunner was a student.

Funny how that turned out.

Oh, and turns out Daniel is Alejandro's second-in-command. The man just irks me for some reason. Maybe it's his bald head or his beer belly, but there's something about him that even Saint doesn't like.

"What's that got to do with me?" I asked after getting over my initial shock. Now that I realize, there's only a handful of people in the conference room. I guess it's to avoid getting betrayed since the information given in here will remain in here. Even Wolf doesn't know what happens in this department, and he works in the department next door.

Anyways, Gunner smirked at me for an answer, he knows how much I hate it when he does that. I swear sometimes he's worst then a kid.

"Alejandro wants you to be his son's personal bodyguard."

My reaction remained neutral but I was freaking out inside. What the fuck does that mean, he wants me to be his son's bodyguard?

Reading the file, my face remained impassable as everyone kept giving me "sneaky" glances when they thought I wasn't looking. I had completely zoned out Gunner's voice, focusing solely on the file of one Damien Cortese.

"Will I meet him beforehand or am I going in blind?"

"The Cortese family is hosting an event later this week, we will be attending. There, you will be introduced to Alejandro's son."

Nodding my head, Gunner dismissed me and kept the rest of the men inside of the conference room. They were probably talking tactics, which he never required me to stay for since I evaluate situations pretty easily.

Heading towards my office, because surprise surprise, I do in fact have an office in here. It's one of the perks of being related to the boss.

My office wasn't huge like my brother's, but it was big. It was very modern and clean. I had a nice view on the city, and I could see the dog park from up here. My desk was made of glass, which made it easier for me to see Saint when he decided to lay at my feet.

The room was pretty spacious, it had to be because of my huge boy. And I definitely found myself taking naps on the reclining chair. Once or twice already.

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