vingt-six| bacon

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I think this was the best sleep I've had in years

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I think this was the best sleep I've had in years. Sleeping next to Amelia is like literal heaven.

Having her back press against mine, her butt right in front of him as my face was in the crook of her neck - is perfect.

I could feel her move against me, making it hard for me to keep my thoughts to myself.

Especially when she pushed her butt closer to him. I mean, she even moaned in contempt.

"Amelia." I whispered as she wiggled closer to me. My hands wrapped tightly around her waist before realizing she didn't have a shirt on.

When did that happen?

"Where's your shirt, tesoro?"

"On the floor." She said while turning around to face me. Her beautiful hazel brown eyes stared into my eyes, the sun gently kissing her tan skin.


So freaking beautiful.


She didn't answer, instead she got on top of me. Her thighs straddling me as she laid her chest on mine.

The feeling of her naked body on mine made me think of very unholy thoughts.


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"Warm." She mumbled while sighing in contempt. Her lips gently brushing over my neck as I groaned.

God, give me the strength.

"Well, aren't you excited this morning?" She asked with a smirk as I groaned.

Of course she would find this moment funny.

"Amelia, this isn't funny." I said.

She chuckled, her face burying itself back into my neck. Her cold nose rubbed my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Come on, we have to talk about yesterday." She told me before kissing my cheek.

My stomach immediately dropped, crap. I really did hope she forgot about that.

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