neuf| college

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Rebel and I had been hanging out for the last two days, getting accustomed to each other and just learning more about one another

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Rebel and I had been hanging out for the last two days, getting accustomed to each other and just learning more about one another. I also got my schedule for college, which means Rebel also got her schedule - since we have all the same classes.

Anyways, I was sitting next to Rebel while she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. Saint was licking my hand, I'm thankful that he gets to come with us, he helps with my anxiety.

Rebel - who I told not to dress in a suit like she wanted to - was wearing blue washed jeans, a black AC/DC shirt, a black leather jacket and her black Dr Martens. She looks good.

And hot

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And hot.

Wait what?

"Rebs, can I ask you a question?" I asked as she nodded her head. Slightly lowering the volume of the radio, awaiting for my question.

"What's your real name?"

"Amelia." She answered as I smiled.

"Amelia... that's really pretty. Why do you go by Rebel, then?"

"Because I don't want people knowing my real identity, it could be dangerous with my job." She stated as I nodded. It somewhat makes sense - scratch that - it makes a lot of sense.

Rebel drove us in a comfortable silence, When I Was Your Man from Bruno Mars playing as background music. She was humming the lyrics under her breath while I was replying to Lucas' texts. He was back from visiting his parents, and practically jumped out of his skin when I told him Rebel was my body guard.

He talked my ear off - for two hours - about how funny and hot she was. I know. And then proceeded to say that if he wasn't gay, he'd totally date her. Annoying butt.

"Who you texting this early in the morning?"

"Ame, it's 9 in the morning."

[ pronounced Ah-May ]
- Amé for my French people -

I said with a chuckle while Amelia playfully rolled her eyes. She took a sip of her iced coffee, I don't know how she drinks that stuff, before glancing at my phone. I immediately shoved it under my thigh while crossing my arms over my chest.

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