cinq| penthouse

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Fucking Irish

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Fucking Irish.

Of course they would find out about the event and come shooting. They didn't care if innocent people were shot, they just wanted Alejandro dead. I can't believe his men didn't find the four black cars with tinted windows strange. Useless guards, I'm telling you.

Bullets and bodies were dropping like raindrops. My ears were ringing and I could hear my brothers yelling on the other side of the earpiece.

"How the fuck did they find out about this?" Dagger asked as I shot a man in between the eyes. His body fell to the ground in a loud thud as I motioned to the people to get out of here.

"Fuck if I know."

"I need backup in the east wing." Storm shouted as a hand wrapped around my mouth. My head flew backwards, hitting the person straight in the nose as I elbowed them in the stomach. The person's arms let me go as they groaned in pain.

"Lilith is on her way." Wolf said. Oh yeah, Lilith is a trained assassin but that's a secret.

"Saint! Attack!" I yelled to my boy who jumped on top of the man, planting his teeth in the man's neck. Blood spurred out of his body, a pool of blood forming around him as I shot two other men.

"Clear." Gunner stated as I glanced around the room. The number of bodies that laid on the floor would, normally, make my stomach turn if I wasn't so used to it.

"Clear." Wolf told us.

"Clear." I said followed by Dagger.

"Not fucking clear! I got a woman giving birth right now. Lady, please, I'm not a fucking doctor!" Storm yelled in frustration as I had to stop myself from chuckling. Gunner and Wolf said they'd meet him in the east wing.

"Are they all dead?"

I asked in the earpiece while making my way towards the closet where Damien was hiding. I was about to reach for the handle when I glanced down at my hands. They were both covered in blood, making me cringe when I whipped them on my dress.

"Yeah, Alejandro kept one alive for interrogation

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"Yeah, Alejandro kept one alive for interrogation. We'll keep you updated."

"M'kay." I mumbled before knocking twice on the door. Nothing. A sense of pride filled me up when I realized that he listened to me.

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