vingt-et-un| kids

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You would think that living with someone for over a month would be excruciating, right?

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You would think that living with someone for over a month would be excruciating, right?


Living with Amelia has been the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced in my life. I mean, who can say they wake up next to a literal goddess every morning? Not a lot of people.

I'm honestly so lucky... what does she even see in me? I'm definitely not her type. Trust me.

I've seen the high school pictures.

Anyways, college has been kicking my butt, luckily I manage to stay ahead of assignments. Which also means I got about zero percent time to spend with Amelia.

Sure, we'd occasionally watch a movie or cook food for one another. But we haven't really done things since that day in her office.

That was another step in our situationship.

I'm not sure where we stand right now. But I'm thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend. I mean, we've known each other for three months, that's long enough... right?

"What are you thinking about, love?" Amelia asked with a smile as we ate our pancakes.


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"N-nothing." I mumbled as Bowie laid his head against the side of my thigh. Amelia raised an eyebrow at me, knowing I was lying.

I hate that she can read me like a book.


"I- you look really pretty."

Amelia smiled at me, one of those breathtaking smiles that make my heart beat twice as fast.

"Mhmm, changing the subject won't help." She stated as I rolled my eyes. Amelia's foot touched my leg, making my whole body stiffen as she smirked.

"Nuh-huh." I said while shaking my head as her bare foot went back on the floor

"Oh, your aunt said she was dropping off Henry and Juliet in a few."

Amelia stated while getting up and picking our dishes. I was about to start helping her when the doorbell rang.

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