Chapter 110: Last Chance 3/5

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Jake watched a piece of pineapple fall from the slice of pizza Jungwon was presently wolfing into his mouth. The yellow cube fell silently on the ground but its impact had not gone unnoticed by Artemis. The dog, with her canine senses, quickly got up and inspected the piece of fruit. She sniffed it, but after a single lick, decided she wanted none of it, and promptly walked off laden with disappoint. 

"So let me get this right Wonie - you beat up, not one but two of your classmates?" Jungkook asked. He had been trying to pry information regarding Jungwon's circumstance from the recovering boy who was currently more concerned with eating. Still, Jungwon gave a nod in affirmation as he chewed his latest mouthful. 

"But how could you possibly think that was a good idea?"

Jungwon shrugged. 

"And then, when you got called to the principal's office you ran away because the police showed up?" Jungkook asked again. 

"Uh huh" Jungwon replied nonchalantly before reaching for a sip of soda.  "Do you think I've screwed up my life?" He asked casually whilst refilling his cup. Jake watched as the sixteen year old tried to disguise his fears with flippancy. 

"Urgh" Jungkook sighed and leaned back into his sofa, "Well fights happen at school - it's not like that's super crazy"

Jake watched as Jungwon's eyes turned to him with which to seek validation that the earlier combat had indeed been 'super crazy.'

"Uhhhhhh" both Jungwon and Jake made the sound of reluctant admission. Both of them reaching to rub the backs of their necks in a mannerism they now all shared. 

Jungkook, on hearing a sound come from Jake, switched his attention to the older boy. "How bad was it?"

"I mean, I didn't see but..." Jake flashed his eyes back to Jungwon who gave him a nod to continue, "... there was an ambulance"

Jungkook let out a cough in surprise, "I'm sorry what?" He turned back to look at Jungwon, "What did you do?"

"I beat them up!" Jungwon said more assertively, locking his eyes with Jungkook's. "They deserved it"

"Because they exposed Jake and Sunghoon?" 

"Because they've made my life crap for the past couple of years. They would bully me and my friends, steal my clothes and..."

Jungkook had raised his hand and turned to look at Jake. "Did you ask him to do this?" 

"WHAT? NO! OF COURSE NOT!" Jake shouted, "I... we, had only just found out that the whole school knew when..." Jake looked back at Jungwon, "What happened happened" 

"I told them not to show the video!" Jungwon interjected. 

"What video?" Jungkook asked, turning his head once again. 

"The one of Yun and I talking about Jake and Sunghoon"

"Wait they filmed you? Why?" Jungkook, genuinely confused, took another slice of his pizza.

"Because I... had just, um. Well a girl had come on to me and I ran away" 

"Screamed and ran away" Jake added, provoking a look of daggers from Jungwon as he bit his lip to try and not smile. 

"Wait what?" Jungkook was still struggling to keep up. 

"Urgh look, there was a party and a girl tried to put her hands into my underwear and... well, I don't do that. It was like I'd been pressured into getting alone with her by everyone and I didn't want to, so I ran" 

"Was she hot?" Jungkook asked with a snigger before Jake slapped his arm to tell him off. 

"I don't know, I just knew that I'm done being cute. I'm done being told I need to change for other people by other people"

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